c | complete date and time in digits |
#c | complete date as a string and time |
H | hours (24 hour clock) |
I | hours (12- hour clock) |
M | minutes |
S | seconds |
p | AM or PM |
d | day |
m | month in digits (01-12) |
b | month as a string - short format (e.g. Dec) |
B | month as a string - long format (e.g. December) |
y | year in short format (e.g. 03) |
Y | year in long format (e.g. 2003) char *c =" {NewParam}"; lr_output_message("current time %s",lr_eval_string (c));试试结果吧,呵呵 |
__declspec(dllexport) char *UF_GetVersion(char *x1, char *x2) {return "Ver2.0";} |
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