
标题: 陆家嘴or在家坐班-本地化工程师-1年半经验 [打印本页]

作者: bys_51testing    时间: 2016-1-11 16:42
标题: 陆家嘴or在家坐班-本地化工程师-1年半经验


•     Utilize tools to identify, prepare and manage localizable resources for translation (Primaril Idiom and PayPal scripts and tools) for the languages assigned.
•     Integrate translations back into the core product for the languages assigned.
•     Fix all technical L10N bugs for the languages assigned.
•     Work with Product Management, Translators, Project Management, Development Engineers, Web Development and other Product Development groups to ensure the localization process runs smoothly and on schedule.
•     Work with QA and Release Management to ensure that translations work live-to-site
•     Provide technical support, engineering guidance and assistance where necessary for all departments involved in localization.
•     Contribute to define localization processes.
•     Develop and maintain localization tools and automated processes including documentation and training to support them (as needed).


1. 本地化行业工作经验一年半以上。
2. 熟悉至少一个CAT工具(如果熟悉Idiom最好),如Trados,Idiom,Catalyst,LocStudio等。
3. 对于本地化行业和流程有清楚的认识,具备一定的大局观。
4. 团队合作意识。
5. 良好的沟通能力。(包括英语书写流利)
6. 自我学习和专研解决问题能力。
7. 熟悉版本控制软件优先,如GIT,SVN等。
8. 熟悉Bug管理软件优先,如Jira,Bugfree,Product Studio等。
9. 熟悉XML结构

工作地点:客户方(陆家嘴)& 在家办公(Paypal项目,欧美企业这点还是比较宽松的)

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