
标题: LH20072300025[已录用] [打印本页]

作者: 杨志    时间: 2008-2-26 10:42
标题: LH20072300025[已录用]
简    历
姓名:赵妮娜                                 性别:女
户籍:陕西西安                               联系方式:15301990253
英语能力:CET-6                              学历:本科
1.        系统的掌握了软件测试的理论基础,对软件开发和测试的生命周期有一定的理解;
2.        理解并掌握了CMM质量管理体系,对ISO9000和6Sigma质量管理体系有一定的了解;
3.        能够用等价类划分法、边界值分析法、判定表法、因果图法、正交试验法等进行设计测试用例;
4.        能够读懂需求设计文档,并完成单元测试、集成测试、系统测试阶段的测试用例设计和执行;
5.        掌握需求管理、缺陷管理、及同行评审的流程;
6.        能够熟练使用测试管理工具TestDirector,配置管理工具CVS(Concurrent Version System);
7.        熟悉TCL语法,能使用TCL编辑自动化测试脚本;
1.        熟悉linux操作系统及基本的命令操作;
2.        熟悉SQL Server数据库;
3.        熟悉JAVA及C语言,并能编写简单的程序;
项目名称:C源文件代码统计工具Counter V1.0的测试
项目描述:Counter V1.0是代码行统计工具,其功能是统计.C文件中的代码行数、空行数、注释行数和总行数。
2007-3~2007-7   西安汇融软件有限公司    软件售后维护工程师
工作职责:开发市场,推广CRM(Customer Relationship Management)管理软件,并负责后期
2002-9~2006-7   陕西理工学院     生物科学(学士学位)
2007-9~2007年底      51Testing培训中心   软件测试工程师
较强的学习能力使得我能够自学基础的计算机课程,如java,html,xml, JavaScript, DreamWeaver等。

Basic information
Name:    Zhao nina                       Sex:  female
Homeplace:  Xi’an Shaanxi province           Mobile: 15301990253
English ability: CET-6                        Degree: bachelor
Email:        job@51testing.com
Job objective  Software Testing Engineer
Career ability -Software Testing
1.        Master the theory of software testing systematically, understand the software development’s lifecycle  and  the  software testing’s lifecycle;
2.        Understand and master the quality management system of CMM, and know some about the quality management system of ISO9000 and 6Sigma;
3.        Master the method of designing test case such as Equivalence Class, Boundary Analysis, Determinant Table, Cause-Effect Graphing;
4.        Be capable of understanding the SRS(Software Requirement Specification), and write the test case design of Unit Testing, Integration Testing and System Testing, and execute the test cases;
5.        Master the flow of the Requirement Management, the flow of the Defect Management, the flow of the Peer Review;
6.        Be capable of use the tool of test management of TestDirector and the tool of config management of Concurrent Version System(CVS) masterly;
7.        Be familiar with the syntax of TCL language, and use it to compile the script of Automatic Testing.
Career ability -Other Aspects
1.        Be familiar with the operating system of Linux and it’s command operation;
2.        Be familiar with the database of SQL Server;
3.        Be familiar with the language of JAVA and C,and can edit some simple programs.
Project experience
Project name:  Test the tool of Counter V1.0 for counting the code of the source file of C
Project time:   2007-10 as yet
Project descriptioin: The function of the tool of Counter V1.0 is to count the code rows, the blank rows, the note rows and the total rows of the .C file.
Primary duties: 1.Complete the work of the document review about the SRS(Software Requirement Specification), HLD( Hign Level Design), LLD(Low Level Design);
              2. Use the method of Equivalence Class, Boundary Analysis to design the test case about the Integration Testing, System Testing;
              3. Execute the test case about the Unit Testing,Integration Testing,System Testing,and write the test plan and schema relatively。
Work experience
2007-3~2007-7  Huirong software Ltd Co. in Xi’an   software seller
Work duties:exploit market, extend the management software of CRM(Customer Relationship
Management), and take charge of the evening of the work of the customer maintenance.
Education & Training experience
2002-9~2006-7   Shaanxi Science & Engineering college   Biology Science (Bachelor Degree)
2007-9 as yet     51Testing Training Center              Software Testing Engineer
English ability
Pass the CET-6, have the ability of good listening, speak, reading and write, can understand the relative English document.
Self evaluate
The education intern make me serious and responsible for everything, and tough attitude.
Better ability of study make me self-culture the computer courses, such as Java, Html, JavaScript, DreamWeaver and so on.

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