Cannot find the "[ WebEdit ]" object's parent "[ Browser ]" (class Browser). Verify that parent properties match an object currently displayed in your application.
Line (1): "Browser("micClass :=Browser").Page("micClass:=Page").WebEdit("name:=wd").Set("自动化测试导航")".
Tip: If the objects in your application have changed, the Maintenance Run Mode can
help you identify and update your steps and/or the objects in your repository.作者: luzhenhappy 时间: 2014-9-3 09:00
可能是页面没有正常打开造成的,还有属性要描述清楚 ,如果属性不能描述清楚,还要增加必要属性作者: 赵佳乐SMILE 时间: 2014-9-3 09:47 回复 5#luzhenhappy