Action.c(42): Error -26628: HTTP Status-Code=403 (Forbidden) for "http://www.***.com/qcbin/servlet/tdservlet/TDAPI_GeneralWebTreatment" [MsgId: MERR-26628]
Action.c(42): web_custom_request("TDAPI_GeneralWebTreatment") highest severity level was "ERROR", 962 body bytes, 324 header bytes [MsgId: MMSG-26388]
遇到这样的情况我第一影像是关联没有做好...立即扫描,没能找到关联..于是我在打开自动关联的情况下(enable correlation during recording)又录了一次..脚本之中仍然没有关联.但是我却惊奇的发现,两次录制下来的脚本是一模一样的..(因此我在怀疑到底是否是关联而导致的错误了)
1) 403 Access forbidden error
The authentication check for QC must be disabled in order to loadtest it.
The authentication is made with X-TD-ID that are calculated and exchanged server-side and client-side for each communication, the ActiveX responsible for generating this X-TD-ID is not replayed with LoadRunner, therefore we should disable the authentication. Even with the authentication disabled, the server will keep calculating and sending these X-TD-ID thus insuring valid loadtest results.
If your QC implementation uses JBOSS under Windows
a) Open a DOS Command Prompt and navigate to "\jboss\bin" folder
b) adapt this command to your environment and run it
QCJavaService.exe -install "Mercury Quality Center for LoadTest" "\_jvm\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll" -Djetty.port=8060 -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:SurvivorRatio=10 -Djava.class.path=".;\_jvm\lib\tools.jar;\jboss\bin\run.jar"
c) for developing the script or loadtesting the QC server, you will need to
-go to control panel-administrative tools-service of the QC server
-stop the "Mercury Quality Center"
-start the "Mercury Quality Center for LoadTest"
d) once your load test is over, you can revert to the normal "Mercury Quality Center" service
If your QC implementation uses JBOSS under UNIX
a) edit the under <QC_INSTALL>/jboss/bin
b) modify the line that calls Java
"$JAVA" $JAVA_OPTS -Djava.endorsed.dirs="$JBOSS_ENDORSED_DIRS" -classpath "$JBOSS_CLASSPATH" org.jboss.Main "$@" > "$FILE_NAME" 2>&1 &
"$JAVA" $JAVA_OPTS -Djava.endorsed.dirs="$JBOSS_ENDORSED_DIRS" -classpath "$JBOSS_CLASSPATH" org.jboss.Main "$@" > "$FILE_NAME" 2>&1 &
c) stop and restart QC
If your QC implementation uses websphere, there is a similar run file that should be modified similarly as for JBOSS under UNIX.
2) "The session authentication has failed"
When the LOGIN_SESSION_ID is not correlated. Usually it is returned from the first request
'web_custom_request("TDAPI_GeneralWebTreatment" '
and can be correlated this way
LAST);作者: tails82 时间: 2007-12-27 14:35
到底是专业的回答啊~作者: stone0214 时间: 2007-12-27 14:47
呵呵,感觉HP的人做事很专业... 刚提交上去case马上就指定给某个人来做来了...作者: stone0214 时间: 2008-1-5 22:41
哎。。。 我把这测试做完了。。。 感觉Mercury的人很专业。。 做出来的QC(9。0版本以上)对于防范LR攻击的地方太多了。。
光是一个登陆就有3个地方要关联作者: JasonSei 时间: 2008-2-29 11:50
To stone0214.
太感谢了,我也正在做QC 9.2的Load Test,不过只是自己玩玩了, 这样就不用再专门部署一个其他的环境。作者: JasonSei 时间: 2008-2-29 12:40
我遇到了一个比较怪的问题,当把Quality Center服务停掉后,然后启动Quality Center for Load Test 的服务时报错了,也就是说启动不了Quality Center for Load Test 这个服务,截图见附件。
我想启动Performance monitor and Alert服务也启动不了。作者: joykao 时间: 2010-11-2 15:04