result = x+y
' Window("计算器").WinEdit("Edit").Check CheckPoint("Edit")
Window("计算器").WinEdit("Edit").SetCaretPos 3
问题:如何将x+y的结果传给CheckPoint("Edit")里面的Edit??谢谢!作者: joseph_wh 时间: 2007-12-17 12:16 Modifying Checkpoints You can modify the settings of existing checkpoints. For example, you can choose to use parameters, or you can use filters to specify which image sources and links to check.
To modify a checkpoint:
1. In the Keyword View or Expert View, right-click the checkpoint that you want to modify and select Checkpoint Properties. Alternatively, select the step containing the checkpoint and choose Edit > Step Properties > Checkpoint Properties. The relevant checkpoint dialog box opens.
2. Modify the properties and click OK. The constant value of property is used to be replaced by expressions to fit in with changing.作者: dhleelei 时间: 2007-12-18 11:36 标题: 能否再解释清楚一些?还是不太明白啊... 作者: pxwcypx 时间: 2007-12-18 12:50