Overlapped transmission of request to '%1' for URL 'URL' failed.
The transmission of data to the server failed. It could be a network, router, or server problem. The word Overlapped refers to the way LoadRunner sends data in order to get a Web Page Breakdown.
Add the following statement to the beginning of the script to disable the breakdown of the "First Buffer" into server and network time: web_set_sockets_option("OVERLAPPED_SEND", "0");
IO Overlapped是一种异步IO,在socket层,只有少量数据发送的时候,只要create new thread,send, receive,就可以了。但是,当数据量增加的时候,要考虑资源的充分利用,也要避免资源的拥塞队列,如果创建线程过多,和CPU内存磁盘等资源的交互过多,可能导致拥塞出现。在这时就要考虑资源的拥塞问题了,在socket中有两种处理的方式: