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投票 预览 【推荐原文】The Software Testing Automation Framework(版主注:已获积分20) attachment agree lamar 2007-8-16 1725865 夜猫子诺诺 2014-2-15 21:59
投票 预览 【推荐原文】Automatic Test Generation using Checkpoint Encoding and ... namisang 2009-1-6 310714 Zgi46Z 2013-11-26 16:28
预览 国外软件测试好文一起来分享!!! attachment  ...2 默默巫 2008-12-22 3531301 Miss_love 2013-11-21 20:39
预览 推荐:Software Testing Best Practices attachment clg0415 2012-2-16 88308 Miss_love 2013-11-21 20:38
投票 预览 【推荐原文】Regression Test Selection for Java Software attachment ctina 2009-4-29 911987 anqiufeng 2013-9-11 18:44
投票 预览 【推荐原文】Unit Testing in C: Tools and Conventions zaza9084 2013-9-2 04825 zaza9084 2013-9-2 16:55
投票 预览 【推荐原文】How to Break Software(版主注:已获积分20) attachment agree  ...2 andy163 2007-9-7 2623570 yuna4217 2013-8-30 17:15
投票 预览 【推荐原文】Highs and Lows of Change Control namisang 2009-9-9 27437 zhconnie 2013-7-20 19:59
预览 【推荐原文】selenium2.0 And WebDriver:a rurorial pipi3891 2010-10-13 112678 GUccxz 2013-5-13 17:43
投票 预览 【推荐原文】Cost Benefits Analysis of Test Automation attachment Dracular 2008-12-26 38525 韩委玉1846 2013-5-3 09:02
预览 【推荐原文】一个关于容量测试的文档(英文) attachment dart2002 2008-10-27 27100 Hellen_lee 2012-8-7 10:41
预览 登陆判断 yanjunli85 2012-6-14 07701 yanjunli85 2012-6-14 15:41
投票 预览 【推荐原文】Performance Testing Methodology attachment ermine 2009-7-9 49833 LUCIEN06 2012-3-30 13:46
投票 预览 【推荐原文】SilkTest getting started: a tutorial attachment ivyhuan 2008-10-31 79118 LUCIEN06 2012-3-30 13:41
投票 预览 【推荐原文】Black Box Test Design(版主注:已获积分20) attachment agree  ...234 duola1119 2007-8-17 6435343 LUCIEN06 2012-3-30 13:33
投票 预览 【推荐原文】Code Testing(版主注:已获积分20) attachment agree  ...2 Dracular 2007-8-27 2519047 xhvjvjgd 2012-3-23 21:24
预览 【推荐原文】White Paper: Software Testing Metrics caption 2010-8-9 17053 061001 2011-3-10 10:47
预览 【推荐原文】computer software for test vehicle caption 2010-8-9 26257 819longjiayan 2010-11-15 17:11
预览 【推荐原文】Unit tests with JUnit caption 2010-8-9 06065 caption 2010-8-9 15:10
预览 【推荐原文】Software testing for begineers caption 2010-8-9 05383 caption 2010-8-9 15:01
投票 预览 【推荐原文】How to Write Better Test Cases bunny112 2007-9-27 1413061 caueva2006 2010-7-27 16:50
投票 预览 【推荐原文】LoadRunner 9.0: RDP Protocol Basics lanbiers 2008-9-5 17453 mx113040 2010-5-28 09:56
投票 预览 【推荐原文】 Explaining Testing to Them 默默巫 2009-1-13 16675 fishy 2009-12-2 16:44
投票 预览 【推荐原文】Performance vs. load vs. stress testing(版主注:已获积分20) agree  ...2 云层 2007-8-16 2418679 mathfool 2009-11-19 17:47
投票 预览 【推荐原文】Heuristic Risk-Based Testing namisang 2009-1-13 15741 cnvery001 2009-11-18 11:13
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