在WINDOWS 2003下先安装了visual studio 2005后,安装RFT,安装成功后,在开始菜单中选择.net2005 script,打开之后,没有安装上RFT,重复安装了好多遍,都是同样的问题,求助大家帮帮忙 跟操作系统有关系吗?XP下我是用过,没有问题 我在中文xp下安装没问题,后来在英文XP下装RFT时,也出现楼主说的问题,在VS2005中新建项目的时候没有找到Functional tester project。[ 本帖最后由 xiaodouble 于 2007-12-18 00:08 编辑 ] 本帖最后由 chengbj 于 2011-3-28 20:18 编辑
After installation of IBM® Rational® Functional Tester, VB.NET scripting, the integration with Microsoft® Visual Studio 2005 does not work.
Regsrv32 does not register Rftvs8.dll.
The reason is, that one or more of its dependencies, msvcp70.dll, msvcp71.dll and msvcr71.dll are absent in the C:\Windows\system32 folder.
The installation of Visual Studio did not place these dlls in the C:\Windows\system32 folder.
Resolving the problem
To resolve the problem, perform the following steps.
1.Acquire a copy of msvcp70.dll, msvcp71.dll and msvcr71.dll from Microsoft Corporation.
2.Copy msvcp70.dll, msvcp71.dll and msvcr71.dll in the folder of C:\Windows\system32 .
3.Go to C:\Program Files\IBM\FunctionalTester\vsnet\bin .
4.Locate RftVs8.dll .
5.In a command prompt run the following command:
Regsvr32"C:\Program Files\IBM\FunctionalTester\vsnet\bin\RftVs8.dll"
Observe the message that the dll is successfully loaded.
Now you test the integration. You can run RFT VB.NET scripting and create a new RFT project.