LorrieL 发表于 2013-12-11 18:02:48

Learning Software Testing-7Get Customer Requirements (客户需求)

Customer Requirements (客户需求)
Software is written to fulfill(满足) some need that a person or a group of people has. Let's call them the customer. To properly fill that need, the product development team must find out what the customer wants. Some teams simply guess(猜想), but most collect(收集) detailed(详细的) information in the form of(以下形式) surveys(收集), feedback(反馈) from previous(先前的) versions of the software, competitive product information, magazine reviews, focus groups, and numerous other methods, some formal(正式), some not. All this information is then studied, condensed(浓缩,也就是总结的意思), and interpreted(解释说明) to decide(来决定) exactly what features(特性) the software product should have.
A popular means(方法) to get direct feedback(直接获取反馈) from potential customers (潜在的客户)of a software product is to use focus groups. Focus groups are often organized by independent survey companies(独立调查公司) who set up (设置)offices in shopping malls(按照汉语的习惯可以理解成焦点人群经常是由购物中心设置办公室的独立的调查公司组成). The surveyors typically(典型的调查员) walk around the mall with a clipboard(写字板) and ask passers-by if they want to take part in a study. They'll ask a few questions to qualify(符合资格,是否符合资格) you such as "Do you have a PC at home? Do you use software X? How much time do you spend online?" And so on. If you fit their demographic(统计特征), they'll invite you to return for a few hours to participate with several other people in a focus group. There, you'll be asked more detailed questions about computer software. You may be shown various software boxes and be asked to choose your favorite. Or, you may discuss as a group features you'd like to see in a new product. Best of all(最好是), you get paid for your time.

Most focus groups are conducted in such a way that the software company requesting the information is kept anonymous(匿名的). But, it's usually easy to figure out who they are.

cylark 发表于 2013-12-12 17:50:17


魂不附体 发表于 2014-5-2 10:13:14

幸好我心思缜密,火前留名!用不了多久我就会升级加精!当上八五! 出任吧主! 迎娶度娘!走上贴吧的巅峰! 嘿嘿,想想还有点小激动呢!
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