LorrieL 发表于 2013-12-6 17:18:52

What exactly is a software product?到底什么是软件产品

Product(产品) Components(组件、部件) What exactly is a software product? Many of us think of(think of 认为,视为) it assimply(简单的+认为) a program that we download from the Internet or install from a DVD thatruns on our computer. That's a pretty good description(描述、形容), but in reality(实际上), manyhidden(隐藏) pieces(部分) go into making that software. There are also many pieces(还有很多部分) that "come in the box"(隐藏在盒子里) that are often taken for granted(授权) or might even be ignore(忽略)d. Although(尽管) it may beeasy to forget about all those parts, as a software tester, you need to beaware of(注意) them, becausethey're all testable(可测试) pieces(组件) and can all have bugs.What Effort Goes Into a Software Product? (开发一个软件产品需要那些努力?)请好好思考下面这段话,如果你已经有过测试经验,我想你会有更多体会:First, look at what effort goes into a software product :ProductSpecification/Product Reviews(产品评估)/DesignDocuments/Schedules(计划)/Feedback (反馈)from Previous Versions(先前版本)/Competitive Information(竞争信息,对手方资料)/Test Plans/Customer Surveys/Usability Data/Look and FeelSpecifications(外观体验规格书)/SoftwareArchitecture(架构)/Oh yeah , don’t forgetthe Software Code…… Final ProductSo what are all these things, besides(除了) the actual code, that get funneled (灌注、注入)into the software? At first glance they probably seem much lesstangible(有形的,可触到的) than theprogram listing a programmer creates(比程序员列出的程序清单). And they definitely aren't something that can be viewed directlyfrom the product's CD-ROM(而且也明显不是那种可以直接在CD-ROM中看到的东西). But, to paraphrase(转述、改述)a linefrom an old spaghetti sauce(古老的意大利面酱)commercial(贸易)(可以理解为:但是鉴于以前古老的意大利面酱的贸易的经验,他们认为:), "they're in there(他们在这里。意大利面酱应该就在这里,他们是无处不在的)." At least, they should be.The term used in the software industry to describe a softwareproduct component that's created and passed on to someone else is deliverable(交付). The easiest way to explain what all these deliverables are is toorganize(组织) them into majorcategories(分门别类).

cylark 发表于 2013-12-12 14:35:29


happywanhua 发表于 2015-3-23 16:37:21

thank you for your sharing~~
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