leal_2012 发表于 2013-7-22 21:12:30


Private Sub Report_Click()
    Dim input_report As String
    Dim long_input As Long
    Dim serrial_project As Integer: serrial_project = 0
    If Date_Month.Text = "" Then
      MsgBox "Please input Report Date !"
    End If
    input_report = Date_Month.Text
    long_input = CLng(CDate(input_report))   'change date to long
    While (Sheets("Month").Cells(serrial_project + 5, 3).Value <> "")
      Call each_project(serrial_project, long_input)
      serrial_project = serrial_project + 1
End Sub

Private Function each_project(a, b)
    Dim j, k As Integer:k = 0
    Dim sourch_report As String
    Dim p1, p2 As Integer
    Dim q1, q2 As String
    Dim long_source As Long
    Dim sum_ports As Integer: sum_ports = 0
    For j = 1 To Sheets.Count
      If UCase(Sheets(j).Name) = UCase(Sheets("month").Cells(a + 5, 3).Value) Then
            While (UCase(Sheets(j).Cells(4 + k, 13).Value) <> "")
                If (UCase(Sheets(j).Cells(4 + k, 13).Value) = "YES") Then
                  sourch_report = Sheets(j).Cells(4 + k, 10).Value
                  p1 = InStr(sourch_report, "/")
                  p2 = InStrRev(sourch_report, "/")
                  q1 = Left(sourch_report, p1 - 1)
                  q2 = Right(sourch_report, Len(sourch_report) - p2)
                  long_source = CLng(CDate(q1 & "/" & q2))
                  If long_source = b Then
                        sum_ports = sum_ports + Val(Sheets(j).Cells(4 + k, 11).Value)
                  End If
                End If
                k = k + 1
            Sheets("month").Cells(a + 5, 5).Value = sum_ports
            sum_ports = 0: k = 0
            Exit For
      End If
    Next j
End Function
页: [1]
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