豆记 发表于 2013-6-7 09:41:42


脚本在场景执行的过程中,error中总会出现“Action.c(28): Error: Cannot start transaction "登陆". This Vuser already started a transaction with the same name, and has not yet processed the corresponding lr_end_transaction statement.”和Action.c(28): Error: Cannot start transaction "登陆". This Vuser already started a transaction with the same name, and has not yet processed the corresponding lr_end_transaction statement.这两个错误。如果说是事务设置的不对,但也有通过的事务;求各位大师指点。

cpecc886 发表于 2013-6-7 11:02:08


豆记 发表于 2013-6-7 14:43:48

贴错了,是这两种错误:Action.c(28): Error: Cannot start transaction "登陆". This Vuser already started a transaction with the same name, and has not yet processed the corresponding lr_end_transaction statement.和Action.c(188): Error: Failed to end Transaction "退出" (by name). Please check that you made a call to start transaction operation.提示这样的错误。

omg 发表于 2013-6-7 20:11:40


kevin898 发表于 2013-6-30 10:59:28

你检查你的事务是否有重名的 ,脚本里不允许同一个事物出现多次

txy_cloud 发表于 2013-6-30 12:51:39

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