'Initially Recorded: 2003-8-1314:56:41'Script Name: test
'Author : tester3911
Type Rect
l as integer
r as integer
t as integer
b as integer
End Type
declare sub begins
declare sub clear
declare sub seltool(k) ' 1 - point 2 - line 3 - rectangle 4 - ellipse
declare sub drawsin
declare sub drawhelix
declare sub drawtp 'draw two point types
declare sub drawrand(count) 'draw two point types randomize
declare sub exits
declare function rand(lower as integer,upper as integer) as integer 'rand function
Sub Main
Dim Result As Integer
End Sub
sub begins
StartApplication "mspaint.exe"
Window SetContext, "Caption=未命名 - 画图", ""
Window WMaximize, "", ""
MenuSelect "图像(I)->属性(A)..."
Window SetContext, "Caption=属性", ""
InputKeys "500{TAB}500{ENTER}"
end sub
sub clear
Window SetContext, "Caption=未命名 - 画图", ""
InputKeys "^a{DELETE}"
end sub
sub seltool(k)
select case k
case 1
Window SetContext, "Caption=未命名 - 画图", ""
GenericObject Click, "Class=AfxWnd;ClassIndex=2;VisualText=工具", "Coords=40,91"
GenericObject Click, "Class=AfxWnd;ClassIndex=2;VisualText=工具", "Coords=29,219"
case 2
Window SetContext, "Caption=未命名 - 画图", ""
GenericObject Click, "Class=AfxWnd;ClassIndex=2;VisualText=工具", "Coords=11,144"
GenericObject Click, "Class=AfxWnd;ClassIndex=2;VisualText=工具", "Coords=34,218"
case 3
Window SetContext, "Caption=未命名 - 画图", ""
GenericObject Click, "Class=AfxWnd;ClassIndex=2;VisualText=工具", "Coords=10,171"
GenericObject Click, "Class=AfxWnd;ClassIndex=2;VisualText=工具", "Coords=33,224"
case 4
Window SetContext, "Caption=未命名 - 画图", ""
GenericObject Click, "Class=AfxWnd;ClassIndex=2;VisualText=工具", "Coords=15,195"
GenericObject Click, "Class=AfxWnd;ClassIndex=2;VisualText=工具", "Coords=28,223"
end select
end sub
sub drawsin
Msgbox "画一个正弦函数"
const pi = 3.1415926
const w = 400
const h = 300
const wo = 2 * pi
const ho = 2
const offsetx = 10
const offsety = 30
dimx as single,y as single
dim i as integer,j as integer
dim strCoords as string
for x = -pi to pi step .1
y = sin(x)
i = Int(w * (x / wo + 1 /ho)) + offsetx
j = Int(h * (- y + 1 ) / ho) + offsety
strCoords = Format(i) + "," + Format(j)
GenericObject Click, "Class=Afx:;ClassIndex=1", "Coords=" + strCoords
next x
msgbox "绘制完成"
end sub
sub drawhelix
Msgbox "画一个螺旋函数"
const pi = 3.1415926
const w = 400
const h = 400
const wo = 10
const ho = 10
const offsetx = 150
const offsety = 200
dim rou as single,theta as single
dimx as single,y as single
dim i as integer,j as integer
dim strCoords as string
for theta = 0 to 2 * pi step .1
rou = theta
x = rou * cos(theta)
y = rou * sin(theta)
i = Int(w * (x / wo + 1 /ho)) + offsetx
j = Int(h * (- y + 1 ) / ho) + offsety
strCoords = Format(i) + "," + Format(j)
GenericObject Click, "Class=Afx:;ClassIndex=1", "Coords=" + strCoords
next theta
msgbox "绘制完成"
end sub
sub exits
Window SetContext, "Caption=未命名 - 画图", ""
Window CloseWin, "", ""
Window SetContext, "Caption=画图", ""
PushButton Click, "Text=否(N)"
end sub
sub drawtp
Msgbox "平铺矩形"
const w = 420
const h = 420
const offsetx = 10
const offsety = 10
const brickx = 50
const bricky = 50
dim i,j,s$
dim r as Rect
for i = 1 to h / bricky
r.t = i * bricky + offsety
r.b = r.t + bric 看不明白,才刚开始学习 好好學習,天天向上!