在linux下安装了mysql+apache+php+mantis.然后登录页面http://创建数据库(因为用的是mantis-1.1.0a4所以没有db_generate.sql文件,只能是通过页面安装)创建的时候就报错:Does administrative user have access to the database? ( Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client ).然后我在info.php里看到mysql的Client API version 才3.23.49,(我安装PHP的时已经指定了mysql的路径了,而且我本机也安装了mysql 5.0版的),希望大家帮忙,谢谢 ,急呀`,在线等
能不能升级Client API version 呢`
怎么没有人说话呀,是不是我哪里说错了, First, without testing it out, one can never know what is really the problem.After said that, the error message clearly told you what is the problem and what you need to do.
Your mysqld (server) has a version of 5 and mysql (client) is 3.x. By default, 5.0 uses a differentauthentication protocol. So, you need either upgrade the client, or configure the server to use the old authentication protocol.
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我的解决方法比较笨讲mantis 目录下的sql 文件打开,然后将里边的sql 语句分别执行,就可以了,一共需要创建27个表哦,
原因:你的mysql 版本有冲突,有字段不识别