晕 又是一个很奇怪的问题(在bugzilla新建bug)
我的操作系统是XP安装的是bugzilla2.20刚开始那段时间还是可以新建bug的最近不知道什么原因就是建不了 不知道怎么去选择某个产品去建属于这个产品
的bug 又谁知道的 告诉一下 谢谢了
Email:xushipu39706879@163.com By default, bugzilla has a field called Product, it is a drop-down field
and you can select one when you submit a bug.
Most likely, the login user has to have access to these products, that is,
the product drop-down list is filtered based on the login user.
Thus, if you (the login user) saw no option to select a product,
it might mean that you have no access to them.
For bug tracking, use Bugzero: