救命:CQ 不能Update User Database Properties
我更改了数据库登录密码,对应Connection的密码也更正了,但在CQ Designer中选择“Update User Database Properties”中更改User Database的登录密码时,提示:This databse is assoiated with an interim test-work version of schema MYSCH version 12. It must be upgraded to the final check-in version of that schema revision before it can be made a production database. Plese contact rational customer support for assistance.
导致我无法连接User Database,各用户也无法连接CQ,只能连接CQ Designer,我该怎么办呢,这可是生产库阿,望各位大虾救命!!
我User Database的版本为12,模式库的最新版本也是12。