请问错误代码-26627和-26612代表什么错误 同样的问题Error -27791: Server "" has shut down the connection prematurely
以前没碰到过这种问题!解决了的话,请回帖,共同提高!! 搜索了以前的帖子,有朋友说是服务器端的问题,我不明白,这里指的服务器端是什么?
webserver嘛?怎么避免这个错误? 这个问题我今天也遇到了,您是怎么解决的啊?急需,谢谢 请问错误代码-26627和-26612代表什么错误? 在LR的帮助中有这些错误的解释啊!
Message Code 26627
HTTP Status-Code='%_1'_ld ('%2') for 'resource'
The specified resource has not found in server.
If the file is missing add it to the server.
If the resource name has a spelling mistake, find the HTML page that contain the resource and correct it.
Message Code 26612
HTTP Status-Code='%_1'_ld ('%2') for 'resource'
The replay sent an unsupported request to the server. The server responded with the error "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR".
Try to access the URL or the application being tested from a browser on the same machine.
Comment out or remove any preceding web_add_header and/or web_add_auto_header calls in the script.
Check for values in the script that might need correlation.
Message Code 27791
Server 'server name' has shut down the connection prematurely
The server shut down the connection unexpectedly, possibly in the middle of a response.
Ping the remote host to which you were connected. If it does not respond, it may be offline or there may be a network problem. Try again later.
Ping a local host to verify that your local network is still functioning.
Ping your local router address.
Ping a host on the same subnet as the remote host to which you were connected (if you know of one). This will verify that the destination network is functional.
Send a "traceroute" command to the remote host. This will not reveal the problem unless you know the router addresses at the remote end, but it may help you determine if the problem is somewhere along the network path. Error -27791: Server "" has shut down the connection prematurely
是不是用了ip欺骗? 大家快来说说呀,我也遇到-26612 这个问题 今天我也遇到了,是怎么回事啊?
shut down connection prematurely:( me too
26612 郁闷!这里都没有有高手莫?求解释呀! 不要说没有高手而是你们可能连问题怎么提都还不会,让别人懒得回答