sdlkfj8 软件情况:winxp sp2 CPU:P4 3.0G RAM:256MB(虚拟机内安装)1:jdk-1_5_0_08-windows-i586-p.exe
4:mysqldriver.jar(查看readme得知版本是MySQL Connector/J 3.1.7 (formerly MM.MySQL))
1 安装jdk
2 安装mysql
2.1 建立数据库 create database jiradb;
2.2 增加用户并赋予权限:GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,DROP,ALTER,INDEX on jiradb.* TO 'jirauser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '111111';
3 copy d:\tools\jira3.6.4 to C:\JIRA3.6.4\
4 修改C:\JIRA3.6.4\atlassian-jira\WEB-INF\classes\entityengine.xml
<datasource name="defaultDS" field-type-name="hsql"
<datasource name="defaultDS" field-type-name="mysql"
5 修改C:\JIRA3.6.4\conf\server.xml
6copy D:\002-QA工具集\mysqldriver.jar to C:\JIRA3.6.4\ common\lib,并改名为:mysql-connector-java-3.1.7
7 执行C:\JIRA3.6.4\bin\startup.bat 启动jira,启动是有找不到表的报错信息,内容如下,
8 打开ie,在地址栏输入 http://localhost:8080 jira安装页面显示正常,但输入信息点下一步则报找不到表的错误。
2007-06-22 17:15:04,281 WARN Entity "Action" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,296 WARN Entity "ChangeGroup" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,312 WARN Entity "ChangeItem" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,328 WARN Entity "ColumnLayout" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,328 WARN Entity "ColumnLayoutItem" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,343 WARN Entity "Component" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,359 WARN Entity "ConfigurationContext" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,390 WARN Entity "CustomField" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,406 WARN Entity "CustomFieldOption" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,421 WARN Entity "CustomFieldValue" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,468 WARN Entity "EventType" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,484 WARN Entity "FieldConfigScheme" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,500 WARN Entity "FieldConfigSchemeIssueType" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,515 WARN Entity "FieldConfiguration" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,531 WARN Entity "FieldLayout" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,546 WARN Entity "FieldLayoutItem" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,578 WARN Entity "FieldLayoutScheme" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,609 WARN Entity "FieldLayoutSchemeAssociation" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,640 WARN Entity "FieldLayoutSchemeEntity" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,656 WARN Entity "FieldScreen" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,671 WARN Entity "FieldScreenLayoutItem" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,703 WARN Entity "FieldScreenScheme" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,750 WARN Entity "FieldScreenSchemeItem" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,781 WARN Entity "FieldScreenTab" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,812 WARN Entity "FileAttachment" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,843 WARN Entity "FilterSubscription" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,875 WARN Entity "GenericConfiguration" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,906 WARN Entity "Issue" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:04,953 WARN Entity "IssueLink" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,000 WARN Entity "IssueLinkType" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,093 WARN Entity "IssueSecurityScheme" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,125 WARN Entity "IssueType" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,140 WARN Entity "IssueTypeScreenScheme" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,171 WARN Entity "IssueTypeScreenSchemeEntity" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,203 WARN Entity "ListenerConfig" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,218 WARN Entity "MailServer" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,265 WARN Entity "NodeAssociation" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,281 WARN Entity "Notification" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,312 WARN Entity "NotificationInstance" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,328 WARN Entity "NotificationScheme" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,562 WARN Entity "OSCurrentStep" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,578 WARN Entity "OSCurrentStepPrev" has no table in the database
2007-06-22 17:15:05,625 WARN Entity "OSGroup" has no table in the database
这个网站会帮助你的,www.czsm.com.cn 。
sdlkfj2 不知道你装的是什么版本,jira在安装完后,第一次访问时,会让你初始化一些东东,就包括数据库的这些表,如果你修改数据库配置在初始化之后,那恐怕就会出这个问题。 对不起,错误的习惯。谢谢楼主的提醒 我启动的时候也是这样的,但是输入一些信息后就可以了。有两点:第一设tomcat的环境变量,
还有:&后面加上amp; 多谢分享