请问写相对test case的报告的时候,是每个case一个单独的报告呢,还是总的写一个呢? 没人回答,自己来吧There should be only one bug per report. This sounds obvious, but it's sometimes difficult to differentiate between similar looking bugs and in the rush to get a product out it may seem easier to just lump them together. The problem with reporting more than one bug in a single report is that it's usually only the first bug that gets attention and is fixed the others become forgotten or ignored. It's also impossible to individually track multiple bugs that are listed on the same report (more on this later). plus 读书很重要 ............................ sdlkfj1 是后来才发现的 感谢分享,我是测试新手往大家指教sdlkfj1 应该根据情况而定。。。