谁能帮忙翻译上面两句话? 谢了 是写简历用的吧?哈哈 No, it is for translating work. 1. To coordinate each step of the test work;
2. To communicate with other groups as a representative of the test team; 学习一下。
也学习了一下!like this
To coordinate every step of the test in process.To communicate with principals who are in other groups as a reresentative oftest.
[ 本帖最后由 zxgang168 于 2007-6-27 10:22 编辑 ] sdlkfj2 sdlkfj3 sdlkfj3 sdlkfj3
受教了. sdlkfj2 学习学习 厉害啊 学习学习 sdlkfj5 翻译的还可以 协调测试工作中的各个环节
corresponding each step of the test.
communicating with other groups as a representative of the test group.