Message code(4):
-56992 Error:Socket descript not found.Hit:the problem might be solved applying the following:
(1)Update Run-Time Setting to Run Vuser as a process.
(2)Add the following line into mdrv.dat, section:"ExtCmdLineConc=-UsingWinlnet Yes"
-27796 Error:Failed to connect to server "":Connection timed out
-27791 Error:Server "" has shut down the connection prematurely
-27740 Error:Overlapped transmission of request to "" for URL "" failed WSA_IO_PENDING
还有就是在执行完场景的时候,所有的用户都给stop了,不管用户数是2个还是10个,或者更多用户。有时候事务也报了错的 在设置场景的时候,设置Duration选择为Run until completion,所有的用户不会stop,但是也一直在报错-56992 Error:Socket descript not found.Hit:the problem might be solved applying the following:
(1)Update Run-Time Setting to Run Vuser as a process.
(2)Add the following line into mdrv.dat, section:"ExtCmdLineConc=-UsingWinlnet Yes" IP欺骗出现问题了,把IP欺骗关掉就OK IP欺骗出现问题了,把IP欺骗关掉就OK 顶,希望知道是不是IP欺骗出了问题。 回复 5# 千里
应该是,不同环境下我试验了5次,关掉ip欺骗之后就没再报这个错了,可能还有其他的导致该问题产生的因素,我这是抛砖引玉,希望大神们给出比芥的解答 Thank you very much for sharing!The good man!The good life of peace! 关了IP欺骗就正常了。