javaleo 发表于 2007-5-21 21:57:29



function formatDate(format, intTimeStamp)
Dim monthname()
Redim monthname(12)
monthname(1) = "January"
monthname(2) = "February"
monthname(3) = "March"
monthname(4) = "April"
monthname(5) = "May"
monthname(6) = "June"
monthname(7) = "July"
monthname(8) = "August"
monthname(9) = "September"
monthname(10) = "October"
monthname(11) = "November"
monthname(12) = "December"

dim unUDate, A

dim OriginalLocale
dim res
OriginalLocale = GetLocale
res = SetLocale("en-gb")

' Test to see if intTimeStamp looks valid. If not, they have passed a normal date
if not (isnumeric(intTimeStamp)) then
if isdate(intTimeStamp) then
intTimeStamp = DateDiff("S", "01/01/1970 00:00:00", intTimeStamp)
response.write "Date Invalid"
exit function
end if
end if

if (intTimeStamp=0) then
unUDate = now()
unUDate = DateAdd("s", intTimeStamp, "01/01/1970 00:00:00")
end if

unUDate = trim(unUDate)

'bug fix for midnight problems
If (Len(unUDate) <= 11) Then unUDate = Trim(unUDate) & " 00:00:00"

dim startM : startM = 1
dim startD : startD = InStr(startM, unUDate, "/")+1
dim startY : startY = InStr(startD, unUDate, "/")+1
dim startHour : startHour = InStr(startY, unUDate, " ")+1
dim startMin : startMin = InStr(startHour, unUDate, ":")+1
dim startSec : startSec = InStr(startMin+1, unUDate, ":")+1
dim dateMonth : dateMonth = mid(unUDate, startD, ((startY - 1) - startD))
dim dateDay : dateDay = mid(unUDate, 1, ((startD - 1) - 1))
dim dateYear : dateYear = Year(unUDate)
dim dateHour : dateHour = mid(unUDate, startHour, ((startMin - startHour) - 1))
dim dateMinute : dateMinute = mid(unUDate, startMin, 2)
dim dateSecond : dateSecond = mid(unUDate, InStr(startMin, unUDate, ":") + 1, 2)

format = replace(format, "%Y", right(dateYear, 4))
format = replace(format, "%y", right(dateYear, 2))
format = replace(format, "%m", dateMonth)
format = replace(format, "%n", cint(dateMonth))

' Response.Write CStr(cint(dateMonth))
' Response.Flush

format = replace(format, "%F", monthname(cint(dateMonth)))
format = replace(format, "%M", left(monthname(cint(dateMonth)), 3))
format = replace(format, "%d", dateDay)
format = replace(format, "%j", cint(dateDay))
format = replace(format, "%h", mid(unUDate, startHour, 2))
format = replace(format, "%g", cint(mid(unUDate, startHour, 2)))

if (cint(dateHour) > 12) then
A = "PM"
A = "AM"
end if
format = replace(format, "%A", A)
format = replace(format, "%a", lcase(A))

if (A = "PM") then format = replace(format, "%H", Right("00" & dateHour - 12, 2))
format = replace(format, "%H", dateHour)
if (A = "PM") then format = replace(format, "%G", left("0" & cint(dateHour) - 12, 2))
format = replace(format, "%G", cint(dateHour))

format = replace(format, "%i", dateMinute)
format = replace(format, "%I", cint(dateMinute))
format = replace(format, "%s", dateSecond)
format = replace(format, "%S", cint(dateSecond))
format = replace(format, "%L", WeekDay(unUDate))
format = replace(format, "%D", left(WeekDayName(WeekDay(unUDate)), 3))
format = replace(format, "%l", WeekDayName(WeekDay(unUDate)))
format = replace(format, "%U", intTimeStamp)
format = replace(format, "11%O", "11th")
format = replace(format, "1%O", "1st")
format = replace(format, "12%O", "12th")
format = replace(format, "2%O", "2nd")
format = replace(format, "13%O", "13th")
format = replace(format, "3%O", "3rd")
format = replace(format, "%O", "th")

formatDate = format
res = SetLocale(OriginalLocale)

end function


eg: strDateTime = formatDate("%g:%i%a, %l %j%O %F, %Y", UDate(Now()))

%A - AM or PM

%a - am or pm

%m - Month with leading zeroes (01 - 12)

%n - Month without leading zeroes (1 - 12)

%F - Month name (January - December)

%M - Three letter month name (Jan - Dec)

$d - Day with leading zeroes (01 - 31)

%j - Day without leading zeroes (1 - 31)

%H - Hour with leading zeroes (12 hour)

%h - Hour with leading zeroes (24 hour)

%G - Hour without leading zeroes (12 hour)

%g - Hour without leading zeroes (24 hour)

%i - Minute with leading zeroes (01 to 60)

%I - Minute without leading zeroes (1 to 60)

%s - Second with leading zeroes (01 to 60)

%S - Second without leading zeroes (1 to 60)

%L - Number of day of week (1 to 7)

%l - Name of day of week (Sunday to Saturday)

%D - Three letter name of day of week (Sun to Sat)

%O - Ordinal suffix (st, nd rd, th)

%U - UNIX Timestamp

%Y - Four digit year (2003)

%y - Two digit year (03)

walker1020 发表于 2007-5-22 09:13:38

谢谢楼主的无私奉献!这下对日期处理 轻松多了

yuandjing 发表于 2007-5-22 16:52:39


brianq 发表于 2007-5-25 11:00:04


fengle 发表于 2007-5-25 13:46:30


walker1020 发表于 2007-6-11 09:08:47

不错,值得学习,偶就把它放在 了。

kxllr 发表于 2007-7-29 17:23:17


lantianwei 发表于 2007-8-15 15:01:13


gggwavj 发表于 2007-11-11 21:59:29


lilysun0411 发表于 2008-2-25 16:19:06


span 发表于 2008-2-26 22:09:04


language_fw 发表于 2008-2-28 16:18:39

回复 8# 的帖子


machao514 发表于 2008-3-31 13:42:16


Mix 发表于 2008-3-31 16:09:19


fangfangcuky 发表于 2008-7-6 13:46:35


wslf 发表于 2008-9-25 15:23:11

:L 恩,看不太懂,要是有些注释就更好了哦

zhengyh1980 发表于 2008-10-26 11:54:31


helius 发表于 2008-10-31 09:51:24


运行下 提示类型不匹配:‘Udate’

lzl88 发表于 2008-11-29 17:27:43

Thank you !

:) :victory:

Linda0721 发表于 2008-12-1 12:46:44

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查看完整版本: 提供一个处理日期的函数-VBScript的