本人今天第一次在XP下安装bugzilla。按照网上说的步骤1、安装active pert 2、安装mysql 3、安装bugzilla 及安装模块5、安装IIS以及添加映射。可是发布时http://localhost/bugzilla。浏览时出现如下问题:请大伙走过路过帮个忙。小女子在此谢谢了。QQ:173523683CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:
Can't locate Date/Parse.pm in @INC (@INC contains: . d:/Perl/lib d:/Perl/site/lib) at Bugzilla/Util.pm line 51.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/Util.pm line 51.
Compilation failed in require at Bugzilla/Error.pm line 32.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/Error.pm line 32.
Compilation failed in require at Bugzilla/Auth.pm line 34.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/Auth.pm line 34.
Compilation failed in require at Bugzilla.pm line 31.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla.pm line 31.
Compilation failed in require at D:\Program Files\bugzilla-3.0rc1\index.cgi line 34.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:\Program Files\bugzilla-3.0rc1\index.cgi line 34.
[ 本帖最后由 donghuanzi 于 2007-4-10 10:35 编辑 ] 买卖贴是用来买卖您认为有价值的东西,当您使用买卖贴是,别人浏览您的贴子需要支付积分,使用悬赏贴,是您将积分给最佳答案 http://bbs.51testing.com/viewthread.php?tid=53133&highlight=The%2Bspecified%2BCGI%2Bapplication%2Bmisbehaved