关于User Acceptance Testing的小问题!
还有UAT的测试计划应该由谁来写呢? 应该是验收测试吧
测试计划应该测试来写吧?难道是用户写? UAT,(user acceptance Test),用户接受度测试 这个舶来词翻译之后有几种说法:用户验收测试、用户接受测试。
其实它就是验收测试,只是在有些场合把User省略掉,叫Accptance Testing。
就像LLD,有几种翻译,底层设计、低级设计、详细设计。我们平时都习惯称之为详细设计,不过不少QA比较反感这种叫法,他们通常不愿意与Detail Design混为一谈。
原帖由 simonepang 于 2007-3-21 17:41 发表
还有UAT的测试计划应该由谁来写呢? Acceptance Testing is the process of comparing a product to the customer’s needs.Often beginning at the Port Complete Milestone, the product undergoes acceptance testing to a degree which ensures the product meets the requirements of the development team the acceptance tests will start from Port Complete Milestone and will be continued until Bit Release Milestone. Acceptance test suite for Performance testing will be created taking in consideration the requirements of end user. 楼上的英语好强啊,哈哈