rivermen 发表于 2007-2-9 09:17:43

[junit] Future of testing tools


At the Agile Open Northwest conference I held an open space session on the
future of testing tools. I expected to talk a little about Theories and
assertThat, but we ended up having a wide-ranging discussion about a variety
of topics. I mind-mapped the result and put in on the conference wiki:


The most surprising result to me was the interest in language features for
testing-what would a language look like that included double-checking as a
first-class concept? I was also surprised at how much commonality there was
between the unit and functional testing "vendors", that reporting is a big
issue for everyone.

One thing missing from the discussion was much talk about the hopes and
dreams of users, so I thought I would open up the question here. What is it
you wish your testing tool would do for you that it doesn't?


Kent Beck

Three Rivers Institute

AlexanderIII 发表于 2007-2-13 09:42:11

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