怎么设置在LR中的监控指标中监控DB2的一些性能指标 啊?
怎么设置在LR中的监控指标中监控DB2的一些性能指标 啊? 怎么没有人回答啊??? 顶起来,loadrunner怎么监视系统资源使用的状况(如内存使用状况),我录制的脚本里那几项都是黑色的,不知道怎么用 Setting Up the Monitoring EnvironmentBefore monitoring a DB2 database server, you must set up the monitor environment.
To set up the DB2 monitor environment:
Install all the client files and libraries on the Controller or Tuning Console machine.
Select Start > Programs > DB2 for Windows NT > Control Center. Enter your DB2 server username and password (with administrative privileges).
In the console that opens, right-click Systems, and select Add.
Enter the following settings in the dialog box:
System Name: <server name>
Remote Instance: DB2
Host Name: <server name>
Service Name: the DB2 server port. The default value is 50000.
Click Retrieve, and then OK.
Note: If you receive an error message after clicking Retrieve, repeat steps 3 and 4, and click OK.
Expand the <server name> node in the console tree.
Right-click Instance, and select Add.
Enter the following settings in the dialog box:
Remote Instance: DB2
Instance Name: the database instance to be called from the Controller or Tuning Console
Host Name: <server name>
Service Name: <DB2 server port>. The default value is 50000.
Click OK and close the Control Center.
Note: You can only work with a single Database Manager instance during each monitoring session. 不是的啊! 使用loadrunner监测db2数据库前需要在客户端建立到db2数据库服务器的连接,使用db2的client端进行配置就可以了,下边是对loadrunner进行的设置
1、打开db2资源监控图后选择Add meaSurements菜单后增加数据的ip和实例名称
2、在输入的name框中需要使用数据库的实例名称,这个名称可以通过db2client端的控制中心工具中看到(在建立完到db2 server以后就已经存在的),