??? 应该能呀。12k不多。 应该有。。楼主去找找 应该也分级别,普通的高级估计比较难拿到12K 应该不止那个数 无聊啊! 谁了解深圳QQ 的详细情况(外包除外哈),分享一下,能力要求?薪资待遇? lz,你太小看腾讯的测试了,高级测试我知道的,有的可以开到35w/y lz,你太小看腾讯的测试了,高级测试我知道的,有的可以开到35w/y立车 发表于 2011-11-30 08:57 http://bbs.51testing.com/images/common/back.gif
这么多,真的,假的,能具体谈谈吗,都要掌握到什么程度的技术水平??? 这么多,真的,假的,能具体谈谈吗,都要掌握到什么程度的技术水平???
showshow 发表于 2011-11-30 09:54 http://bbs.51testing.com/images/common/back.gif
Responsibilities include:
1. Drive technical initiatives, infrastructure and process improvements, and quality standards across APC’s test organization.
2. Complete ownership of test schedule and resource planning, developing and reviewing feature test plan and test cases; and driving overall quality of your feature areas.
3. Designing and automating tests to ensure complete test coverage; analyzing bugs and issues; generating reports for test results and quality assessment;
4. Collaboration with development, program management and other team members, as well as being a driver from test side.
5. Participation in project planning, design, code reviews and day to day contributions to the product.
1. Demonstrated track record of shipping multiple software releases.
2. Demonstrated domain knowledge in software testing methodologies and quality assurance processes.
3. Strong written and oral communication skills in English (both in office and when working with team members in the United States).
4. Posses strong design and coding skills in C/C++/C#, and experienced in debugging applications. Ability to ramp up on new technologies, as well as design and develop testing tools.
5. Passionate about understanding how things work and making software quality better for the customer, and a keen ability to identify, zero-in, and flush out problems and defects in complex software systems is highly preferred.
6. Flexibility in working on fast changing project environment that may have changing requirements over time.
7. At least 3-5 years of development and testing experience.
8. Knowledge and experience in test automation and test design are required.
9. Knowledge and experience in online services and/or advertising is a plus but not required. 助理工程师、工程师、高级工程师、专家工程师……
一般工程师职位的就可以达到楼主说的薪资水平了,而且高级不是那么好升的,比例比较小,一个组里面一般就一两个。 助理工程师、工程师、高级工程师、专家工程师……
一般工程师职位的就可以达到楼主说的薪资水平了,而且高 ...
铁风 发表于 2011-12-1 10:43 http://bbs.51testing.com/images/common/back.gif
你是腾讯里的?压力大不大,氛围好不好 我之前去深圳QQ过,高级测试工程师绝对不止这个价,相应的能力要求也比较高 刚毕业的研究生进腾讯都是差不多1w/m,所以肯定有啊。不过这个具体工资是高压线,HR天天强调,估计也没有谁会具体告诉你是多少的。 现在的工资貌似都很高啊,是不是下一个泡沫会到来啊???哈哈哈 15K+
12K人家都不好意思给你,跟我当年一样是被老板穷惯了的 15K+
lyscser 发表于 2011-12-28 21:58 http://bbs.51testing.com/images/common/back.gif哈哈哈