binzhang 发表于 2011-7-5 18:16:49


binzhang 发表于 2011-7-5 18:18:58

2011-07-05 17:55:36,750 INFO - MSI file & directory tree construction is complete
2011-07-05 17:55:36,750 INFO - MSI project assembly is complete
2011-07-05 17:55:43,953 FATAL - Failed to create ALM_Client_localhost_v3_zh.msi at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
2011-07-05 17:55:43,953 INFO - System.Exception: Failed to create ALM_Client_localhost_v3_zh.msi at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
2011-07-05 17:55:43,968 FATAL - Failed at generation phase: see previous log messages for more details
2011-07-05 17:55:43,968 INFO - System.Exception: Failed to create ALM_Client_localhost_v3_zh.msi at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
   在 ClientMSIGenerator.InstallationBuilder.BuildInstallation()
   在 ClientMSIGenerator.Builder.ExecuteJob(BuildParameters bp, List`1 genSettingsList)

koller318 发表于 2011-7-6 14:13:03


safina 发表于 2011-7-6 16:33:46

Failed to create ALM_Client_10.72.5.213_v2_zh.msi at C:\Prog ...
hy286 发表于 2011-7-1 12:37


韩献东 发表于 2011-7-6 16:42:30

feigoliu 发表于 2011-7-6 20:53:21


feigoliu 发表于 2011-7-6 20:59:14

: INFO: Trying to connect to ALM Platform server
: INFO: Connection to ALM Platform server has been successful
: INFO: Checking ALM platform version on
: INFO: ALM platform version on is 11 which is OK
: INFO: Cleaned folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp
: INFO: Cleaned folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work
: INFO: Downloaded file
: INFO: Downloaded file
: INFO: Downloaded file
: INFO: Downloaded file interop.ALPLoader.dll
: INFO: Unable to download Custom Modules cab file file doesn't exist.
: INFO: Successfully created folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp\Extensions
: INFO: Extracted data from C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp\
: INFO: Moved to C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work
: INFO: Extracted data from C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp\
: INFO: Moved to C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work
: INFO: Extracted data from C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp\
: INFO: Extracted metadata from C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp\Extensions\
: INFO: Moved C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\temp\Extensions\ to C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work\Extensions\
: INFO: Successfully built download list
: INFO: Created folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work\Install
: INFO: Created folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work\Install\Extensions\SPRINTER_EXTENSION
: INFO: Created folder C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\work\PlugIns
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ExtensibilityAPI.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/OTAClient.lld
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/WebClient.lld
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/QCClientUI.xco
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/XGO.xco
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/QCClient.PerformanceMonitor.lld
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/OTAXml.lld
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/OTAReport.lld
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/SRunner.xco
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/MercResourceLogger.lld
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/VugenTestType.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/QCClient.UI.Components.BPT.TPC.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/BuiltInPlugin.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ReportViewerForTD.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/QTGrid.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ArgsEditor.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Arguments.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ConfigViewerForTD.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ExGrid.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/CompStrgHelper.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/BuiltInScriptView.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/QAIAd.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/WITestType.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/PerformanceWinHooks.lld
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/ServiceTestType.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/MMerge.exe
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/3rd**.cab
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/SiteAdmin.xco
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/WebClient.lld
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/SAClient.lld
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/QCClient.PerformanceMonitor.UI.exe
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Extensions/SPRINTER_EXTENSION/SprinterPlugin.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Extensions/SPRINTER_EXTENSION/HP.Sprinter.ISprinter.IProxy.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Extensions/SPRINTER_EXTENSION/HP.Sprinter.ISprinter.Proxy.dll
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Extensions/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Extensions/
: INFO: Downloaded file Install/Extensions/SPRINTER_EXTENSION/
: INFO: Downloaded file PlugIns/QCConnectivityHelper.dll
: INFO: Successfully completed file download phase
: INFO: MSI file & directory tree construction is complete
: INFO: MSI project assembly is complete
: FATAL: Failed to create ALM_Client_180.200.3.65_8080_v2_zh.msi at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
: INFO: System.Exception: Failed to create ALM_Client_180.200.3.65_8080_v2_zh.msi at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
: FATAL: Failed at generation phase: see previous log messages for more details
: INFO: System.Exception: Failed to create ALM_Client_180.200.3.65_8080_v2_zh.msi at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\ALM Client MSI Generator\output\
   在 ClientMSIGenerator.InstallationBuilder.BuildInstallation()
   在 ClientMSIGenerator.Builder.ExecuteJob(BuildParameters bp, List`1 genSettingsList)

xinqingmoli 发表于 2011-7-7 16:38:39


Steven_bot 发表于 2011-7-7 17:18:36


steelman_huxn 发表于 2011-7-8 15:16:54


steelman_huxn 发表于 2011-7-8 15:36:20

第2个包 是坏的。

lzsmmx 发表于 2011-7-8 16:12:40


windex 发表于 2011-7-8 16:48:59


windex 发表于 2011-7-8 16:49:05


leeveiyoung 发表于 2011-7-11 15:37:13


sj18cl 发表于 2011-7-13 16:17:09


hystericalhell 发表于 2011-7-15 23:50:13


begonia80 发表于 2011-7-22 18:28:36


lhu714385 发表于 2011-7-27 13:28:40


feigoliu 发表于 2011-7-28 20:45:15

页: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: ALM 11(QC11)中文版7个资料——也就是帮助文档(增加ALM11汉化包)