村上舞!舞!舞 发表于 2006-10-10 19:04:17


我的操作系统是xp professional。服务器名是Test。在服务器端创建了维护表(Schema Repository)。其中Existing Connections:Dzjw_cq, Vendor选项是MS_Access, Physical Database Name填写的是: D:\ testccq \ testccq.MDB及配置好了CQ功能。是使用Access数据库创建的。Schema 名是Dzjw,Schema关联数据库是D:\ testccq \ Dzjw.mdb。做好之后,在本服务器测试均正常,在其后进行客户端的配置时在客户端新建了一个连接(connection),Vendor选项是MS_Access, Physical Database Name填写的是: \\Test\testccq\testccq.MDB。在进行联接的时候出现错误:

Connect to repository : \\LiuChao\Dzjw_cq\Dzjw_cq.MDB
Warning: The schema repository "Dzjw" has a data code page
which does not match the code page of your operating system. You will
not be allowed to modify any data in ClearQuest with the current OS
settings. The Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest has more
information on code page settings. Please contact your ClearQuest
Administrator for help with how to correct this situation.
Your system is now configured to establish connection to ClearQuest database "\\LiuChao\Dzjw_cq\Dzjw_cq.MDB".
Unable to logon to the MS_ACCESS database "D:\Test_project\Dzjw_cq\Dzjw_cq.MDB".
The vendor error message was:
SQLDriverConnect: RETCODE=-1, State=S1009, Native Error=-1023
'(未知的)'不是一个有效的路径。 确定路径名称拼写是否正确,以及是否连接到文件存放的服务器。
驱动程序的 SQLSetConnectAttr 失败
The Dzjw schema repository has a ClearQuest data code page value that does not match the code page of your operating system.
For more information about the ClearQuest data code page, see the Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest. Please contact your ClearQuest administrator for assistance.
NOTE: The complete execution log has been saved in C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\cqdbsetup_status_20061010_1022_28.txt for your reference.


luming 发表于 2006-10-11 09:56:06


pingping 发表于 2006-10-11 10:17:57

上面显示的问题都是Existing Connections:Dzjw_cq的问题.

上面显示的问题都是Existing Connections:Dzjw_cq的问题.
        2,不管是Schema Repository,还是user database,不管是客户端还是服务器,在写Physical Database Name时最好都用网络路径.
        3,另外code page的问题,你可以查找相关的文章来解决

村上舞!舞!舞 发表于 2006-10-11 19:32:47


问题解决了,正如PINGPING所讲的是Schema Repository,还是user database在建立的时候有用网络路径导致的。另外code page也是有问题的,本地机后来配置的是中文的。所以引发了这一系列的问题。希望大家以后不要也
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 求教一个关于CQ配置客户端的问题!!!急