loadrunner8.1 测试webservice
小弟在用loadrunner测试webservice 接口性能时,运行脚本老是报错 日志如下: vuser_init.c(4): Web service call "sendSms_101" startedvuser_init.c(4): Using working copy of the WSDL file "E:/WEBservice/SmsService.wsdl"
vuser_init.c(4): Using client emulation General
vuser_init.c(4): Removed Web headers not matching the emulated client
vuser_init.c(4): Warning: HTTP status code 500 returned by the server
vuser_init.c(4): Error: The reason for the SOAP fault is: "Fault occurred while processing."
vuser_init.c(4): Error: Web service call "sendSms_101" execution failed
Abort was called from an action.