lr 怎么多机测试 .net插件写的脚本
我用.NET ADD-IN编写的脚本 在本地机器上能顺利测试 可是现在想多台机器一起测 在添加远程负载的时候测试的结果总是failed日志让的错误输出是:Virtual User Script started
Starting action vuser_init.
ERROR! Failed to obtain CLSID for LoadRunnerUser2.VuserClass (hrc = 0x800401f3).
Possible Reasons:
a) Virtual User has not been compiled or built, please compile virtual user project.
b) Virtual User component has not been registered, please register virtual user component.
c) Virtual User component is not built with COM Interoperability, please enable interoperability.
Action was aborted.
是什么原因啊?是远程机器不能访问到我本地的dll吗? 远程机器开Agent Process 服务了吗? 感觉上不是agent的问题。