运行之后老是提示这个错误信息:Action.c(110): Error -27191: "web_image_check" failed (0 occurrence(s) found. Alt="", Src="/WebTours/home.html name=info marginheight=2 marginwidth=2")
Action.c(110): web_image_check highest severity level was "ERROR"
Ending action Action.
A Session ID has been created and loaded into a cookie called MSO.
Also, the server options have been loaded into the cookie called
MSO as well.The server options can be set via the Admin page.
<title>Web Tours</title>
<!-- Frame Set -->
<frameset cols="160,*" border=1 frameborder=1>
<!-- Navigation Frame -->
<frame src=nav.pl?in=home name=navbar marginheight=2 marginwidth=2
noresize scrolling=auto>
<!-- Home Frame -->
<frame src=/WebTours/home.html name=info marginheight=2 marginwidth=2
noresize scrolling=auto>
那我应该怎么填运行才不会出错呢》?望高手指点一下! 你大概做了检查点。吧检查点去掉就好了。