Slidechina 发表于 2011-2-11 16:12:46

招聘结束 Google Shanghai Slide 招聘高级测试工程师

本帖最后由 Slidechina 于 2011-3-23 14:51 编辑

Slide 正在寻找一位想要测试顶尖社区应用软件的工程师!如果你拥有一流的沟通与交流技巧,快速的学习能力,以及热爱产品和质量保证 -那么你一定要加入 Slide!

我们是全世界 #1 的网络社区应用软件开发商.

我们的应用程序, 如 Slideshow, FunSpace, SuperPoke!, SuperPoke! Pets 和 TopFriends, 在技术方面都是具有深度和挑战性的产品. 同时, 它们也在 Facebook, MySpace, 等平台上得到大量用户的喜爱和欢迎. 通过 Slide 现有 1.5 亿用户支持, 我们的产品已远远超越市场上其他程序的技术和规模. Slide 也因此排名为全世界 10 大的网络公司及品牌之一

(1) 设计,记录,并测试各种环境下的线上产品
(2) 灵活对应随即变更的产品规格及上线日期/产品生命周期
(3) 每日发布测试涉及 unit, integration, regression, ad-hoc 和 edge-case testing
(4) 必须能够和开发团队所有成员保持密切合作/互相尊重并同时注重产品质量
(5) 领导未来测试工程团队一同创造下一代的网络社区

(1) 多年的 Web 测试经验
(2) 深刻理解质量保证方法和软件开发周期
(3) 拥有广泛浏览器和各种平台上测试知识
(4) 熟悉 Unix 和 MySQL
(5) 熟悉 SVN / GIT(任何版本的控制系统)和提交 bug 流程
(6) 教育背景: 计算机学士学位或同等工作经验
(7) 素质要求: 准确/清晰语言表达能力; 良好的沟通能力
(8) 语言要求: 英文(读写能力良好)
(9) 了解 Python, Perl 和有 Flash coding 经验优先

Want to be part of an internet success story? Want to work in one of the most fast-paced/growing cities in China? Want to develop cutting edge web properties used by millions of people around the world? Then you want to part of the Google - Slide China Team!

Google - Slide team is the #1 developer of applications on social networks! Our applications, like Slideshow, FunSpace, SuperPoke! and TopFriends, are as technically deep and sophisticated as they are popular. Our 155 million users make us one of the top 10 web properties in the world; that's serious scale.

1. Design, document, and exercise test cases in an environment where specifications &delivery dates change at random during the product life-cycle
2. Involve unit, integration, regression, ad-hoc, and edge-case testing as part of the daily release cycle
3. Work closely with all parties involved in the development cycle;maintain a positive relationship that demands respect for quality

1. Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience
2. Four years of Web Testing experience
3. Strong understanding of QA methodology and the Software Development Life-cycle
4. Vast knowledge of browsers and testing on various platforms
5. Working knowledge of Unix and MySQL
6. Proficient in filing bugs and familiar with SVN/GIT (any version control system)
Nice to Have: Python, Perl, Flash coding experience

You can via your CV to

dcomli 发表于 2011-2-11 21:01:31


dcomli 发表于 2011-2-11 21:07:34


fengzzzz 发表于 2011-2-12 14:25:36

(6) 教育背景: 计算机学士学位或同等工作经验:)谷歌能者取之啊~!

schiffahr 发表于 2011-2-12 14:29:33


Slidechina 发表于 2011-3-1 17:11:13


leon8023 发表于 2011-3-10 11:41:31

(2) 灵活对应随即变更的产品规格及上线日期/产品生命周期;
(3) 拥有广泛浏览器和各种平台上测试知识

dqhzh 发表于 2011-3-10 11:58:55


heqingbluesky 发表于 2011-3-11 22:49:48

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查看完整版本: 招聘结束 Google Shanghai Slide 招聘高级测试工程师