今天给别人演示bugzilla的使用,结果特别没面子,add一个新的product的时候,出错了:DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Field 'userregexp' doesn't have a default value at Bugzilla/DB.pm line 84
Bugzilla::DB::SendSQL('INSERT INTO groups (name, description, isbuggroup, last_chang...') called at d:\Bugzilla\editproducts.cgi line 559
For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
editproducts.cgi: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Field 'userregexp' doesn't have a default value at Bugzilla/DB.pm line 84 editproducts.cgi: Bugzilla::DB::SendSQL('INSERT INTO groups (name, description, isbuggroup, last_chang...') called at d:\Bugzilla\editproducts.cgi line 559
今天去看bugzilla的源代码了,发现操作groups表的原因是:# If we're using bug groups, then we need to create a group for this
# product as well.-JMR, 2/16/00
这是代码中的注释,也就是说,因为我把makeproductgroups这个参数on了,我在bugzilla的错误报告中找到了一个相同的错误,这个错误是在2.20中有的,已经fixed了,我这就打patch去了~~~ 多谢搂主,是个好问题,呵呵。
想请问下楼主,我个人觉得group用处不大,不知楼主怎么看? 问个问题,在bugzilla中可以删除一个产品吗? 为什么我的会提示:
Sorry, there are 3 bugs outstanding for this product. You must reassign those bugs to another product before you can delete this one.