june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:49:31

Translation of 《Software Testing》 Second Edition By Ron Patton


虽然自己的英文比较滥,但是考虑了许久,最后我还是买了Ron Patton的《Software Testing》Second Edition英文版,首先,因为它是大家推荐的软件测试入门必读书籍之一,其次,是想借机学习并提高一下自己的英语(我相信人是需要逼的)。






june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:50:17

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-29 12:50 编辑


june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:51:14

Software Testing - Second Edition
By Ron Patton
Publisher: Sams Publishing
Pub Date: July 26, 2005
ISBN: 0-672-32798-8
Pages: 408

软件测试 – 第2版


Software Testing, Second Edition provides practical insight into the world of software testing and quality assurance. Learn how to find problems in any computer program, how to plan an effective test approach and how to tell when software is ready for release. Updated from the previous edition in 2000 to include a chapter that specifically deals with testing software for security bugs, the processes and techniques used throughout the book are timeless. This book is an excellent investment if you want to better understand what your Software Test team does or you want to write better software.

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:51:50

About the Author
Ron Patton lives in the Seattle area with his wife, Valerie. His software test experience is wide and varied, from mission-critical systems to painting programs for kids. Ron graduated from Penn State in 1984 with a B.S. degree in computer science. He began his career at Taxes Instruments as a quality assurance engineer, testing embedded systems and user interface software for industrial automation equipment. In 1992 he joined Microsoft as a software test lead in the Systems Group for Multimedia Viewer, the authoring tool and multimedia display engine used by Encarta, Cinemania, and Bookshelf. He moved on to become the software test manager of the Kids Product Unit, shipping CD-ROM titles such as Creative Writer, Fine Artist, 3D movie Maker, and the Magic School Bus series. Before he left Microsoft, he was the software test manager of the Hardware Group, responsible for the software shipped with the mouse, keyboard, gaming, telephony, and ActiMates product lines. He currently is a freelance project management and software quality consultant.
Ron’s most memorable project was ActiMates Barney, for which he test managed both the hardware and software efforts. “Microsoft actually paid my team and me to shake, bake, freeze, thaw, pull, drop, tumble, dunk, and shock dozens of prototype Barney dolls until we reduced them to piles of electronic rubble and purple fuzz,” he recalls. “You can’t get much more test satisfaction than that.”
If you have comments or suggestions for this book, or if you find a bug in it that you want to report, you can send Ron an email at test@valart.com
罗恩所测试的项目中让他最记忆犹新的是ActiMates Barney项目,他负责软件和硬件两方面的测试工作。“微软实际上让我和我的团队利用摇晃、烘烤、冷藏、溶解、拉、扯、摔、浸泡和电击等方式来测试成打的Barney玩偶雏形直到我们把他们捣成一堆电子碎片和紫色绒毛。”他回忆说,“再也没有比这更令人满意的测试了。”
假如你对本书有任何意见和建议,或者发现了关于本书的缺陷,请给罗恩发电子邮件到 test@valart.com

To my best friend and wife, Valerie, who’s hoping that after I finish this second edition we can go on vacation to a tropical island.

Many thanks go to Sams Publishing and the editors and staff who helped me publish this second edition. A big thank you goes to Danny Faught who provided great input as an expert reviewer.
To my parents, Walter and Eleanore, for allowing me to quit my accordion lessons and buying me a TRS-80 Model I computer back in 1977. To my sister, Saundra, for keeping my parents busy with her baton competitions so I could hide in my room and learn to program. To Ruth Voland, my computer science teacher at Mohawk High School, for dragging me to all those science fairs and giving me extra time on the school’s ASR 33 teletypes. To Mark Ferrell, who taught me electronics and kept me out of trouble as a teenager. To Alan Backus and Galen Freemon of TI for allowing me the freedom to explore software test automation. To all my past co-workers and employees for teaching me more than I could have ever learned myself about software testing. And to my wonderful wife, Valerie, for saying, “Go ahead, send it in, see what happens” when, in1991, I posed the question of sending my resume to a little company in far-away Seattle called Microsoft. Each of you made a contribution to this book. Thank you!
感谢我的父母,沃尔特和埃利诺,允许我退掉手风琴的课程,而且在1977年他们给我买了一台TRS-80 I型的计算机。感谢我的妹妹,桑德拉,在忙于接力比赛的时候照顾父母,因此我可以躲在自己的房间学习编程。感谢卢斯.沃兰德,我在Mohawk高中的计算机老师,带着我去各种科学展会,还给我额外的时间去研究学校的ASR 33电报交换机。感谢马克.费洛教会我电子学应用,并使我摆脱青少年的困惑。感谢艾伦.巴克斯和TI的迦林.傅雷让我自由探索软件测试自动化。感谢所有以前的同事和搭档教会了我很多我自己没办法学到的软件测试方面的东西。还有,感谢我出色的妻子,瓦莱丽,1991年当我询问是否要将我的简历投递到一家远在西雅图的名叫微软的小公司时,是你对我说,“去吧,递过去,看看会发生什么事情”。你们每一个人都为这本书作出了贡献。非常感谢!

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Study Notes:
Ron Patton   罗恩.巴顿,美国人
Investment   值得买的东西
Seattle   西雅图,美国华盛顿首府
Valerie   [女子名]瓦莱丽,亦可作Valery,Valeria的变体
Wide and Varied   广泛及多样,译为博大精深比较贴切
Mission-critical   英语中的原意是重大的任务,在计算机领域中用来特指那种不允许停机的重要系统为Mission Critical System,主要是指企业的骨干业务系统。关键业务是指电信、银行等社会基础设施行业,必须保证24小时365天不间断运行的核心业务
Penn State   即Pennsylvania State University,宾西法尼亚州州立大学
B.S.   即Bachelor of Science,理学士
Ron’s most memorable project was ActiMates Barney, for which he test managed both the hardware and software efforts   该句型翻译我是这么理解的,he test for ActiMates Barney which managed both the hardware and software efforts…

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:54:05

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-26 13:20 编辑

Table of Contents 目录
Introduction 简介
About the Second Edition 关于第二版
Who Should Use This Book? 本书读者群?
What This Book Will Do for You 本书可以为你带来什么
Software Necessary to Use This Book 阅读本书时必需的软件
How This Book Is Organized 本书组织结构
Part I: The Big Picture 第一部分:软件测试综述
Part II: Testing Fundamentals 第二部分:测试基础
Part III: Applying Your Testing Skills 第三部分:运用测试技术
Part IV: Supplementing Your Testing 第四部分:测试的补充
Part V: Working with Test Documentation 第五部分:测试文档编写
Part VI: The Future 第六部分:软件测试前景
Appendix 附录
Conventions Used in This Book 本书使用的约定
Part I:    The Big Picture 第一部分: 软件测试综述
                1Software Testing Background 第一章 软件测试的背景
                   Infamous Software Error Case Studies 臭名昭著的软件错误案例研究
                           Disney’s Lion King, 1994-1995 迪斯尼的狮子王,1994-1995
                           Intel Pentium Floating-Point Division Bug, 1994 英特尔奔腾浮点数除法缺陷,1994
                           NASA Mars Polar Lander, 1999 美国航天局火星极地登陆者号探测器,1999
                           Patriot Missile Defense System, 1991 爱国者导弹防御系统,1991
                           The Y2K (Year 2000) Bug, circa 1974 千年虫问题,1974年前后
                           Dangerous Viewing Ahead, 2004 危险的预见,2004
                   What Is a Bug? 什么是软件缺陷?
                           Terms for Software Failures 软件故障术语
                           Software Bug: A Formal Definition 软件缺陷的官方定义
                   Why Do Bugs Occur? 为什么会出现软件缺陷?
                   The Cost of Bugs 修复软件缺陷的成本
                   What Exactly Does a Software Tester Do? 软件测试员究竟做些什么工作?
                   What Makes a Good Software Tester? 优秀的软件测试员应具备哪些特质?
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验
                2The Software Development Process 第二章 软件开发的过程
                   Product Components 产品的组成部分
                           What Effort Goes Into a Software Product? 软件产品需要投入多少工作?
                           What Parts Make Up a Software Product? 软件产品由哪些部分组成?
                   Software Project Staff 软件项目成员
                   Software Development Lifecycle Models 软件开发生命周期模型
                           Big-Bang Model 大爆炸模型
                           Code-and-Fix Model 边写边改模型
                           Waterfall Model 瀑布模型
                           Spiral Model 螺旋模型
                   Summary 本章小结
                3The realities of Software Testing 第三章 软件测试的实质      
                   Testing Axioms 测试的原则
                           It’s Impossible to Test a Program Completely 完全测试是不可能的
                           Software Testing Is a Risk-Based Exercise 软件测试是基于风险的行为
                           Testing Can’t Show That Bugs Don’t Exist 测试无法显示潜伏的缺陷
                           The More Bugs You Find, the More Bugs There Are 未发现的缺陷数和已发现的缺陷数是成正比的
                           The Pesticide Paradox 杀虫剂悖论
                           Not All the Bugs You Find Will Be Fixed 并非所有的缺陷都要修复
                           When a Bug’s a Bug Is Difficult to Say 什么时候才叫缺陷很难断言
                           Product Specifications Are Never Final 产品说明书从没有最终版本
                           Software Testers Aren’t the Most Popular Members of a Project Team 软件测试员在项目小组中不受欢迎
                           Software Testing Is a Disciplined Technical Profession 软件测试是一项讲究条理技术专业
                   Software Testing Terms and Definitions 软件测试术语和定义
                           Precision and Accuracy 精确和准确
                           Verification and Validation 确认和验证
                           Quality and Reliability 质量和可靠性
                           Testing and Quality Assurance (QA) 测试和质量保证(简称QA)
                   Summary 本章小结

Part II:    Testing Fundamentals 第二部分: 测试基础
                4Examining the Specification 检查产品说明书
                   Getting Started
                           Black-Box and White-Box Testing 黑盒测试和白盒测试
                           Static and Dynamic Testing 静态测试和动态测试
                           Static Black-Box Testing: Testing the Specification 静态黑盒测试:测试产品说明书
                   Performing a High-Level Review of the Specification 对产品说明书执行高层次审查
                           Pretend to Be the Customer 假设自己是客户
                           Research Existing Standards and Guidelines 研究现有的标准和规范
                           Review and Test Similar Software 审查和测试类似软件
                   Low-Level Specification Test Techniques 产品说明书的低层次测试技术
                           Specification Attributes Checklist 产品说明书属性检查清单
                           Specification Terminology Checklist 产品说明书术语检查清单
                5Testing the Software with Blinders On 戴上眼罩测试软件
                   Dynamic Black-Box Testing: Testing the Software While Blindfolded 动态黑盒测试:蒙上眼睛测试软件
                   Test-to-Pass and Test-t0-Fail 通过性测试和失效性测试
                   Equivalence Partitioning 等价类划分
                   Data Testing 基于数据的测试
                           Boundary Conditions 边界条件
                           Sub-Boundary Conditions 次边界条件
                           Default, Empty, Blank, Null, Zero, and None默认、空白、空值、无效、零和无
                           Invalid, Wrong, Incorrect, and Garbage Data 非法、错误、不正确和垃圾数据
                   State Testing 基于状态的测试
                           Testing the Software’s Logic Flow 测试软件的逻辑流程
                           Testing States to Fail 失败状态测试
                   Other Black-Box Test Techniques 其他黑盒测试技术
                           Behave Like a Dumb User 像笨拙的用户那样做
                           Look for Bugs Where You’ve Already Found Them 在已经找到软件缺陷的地方再找找
                           Think like a Hacker 像黑客一样思考问题
                           Follow Experience, Intuition, and Hunches 凭经验、直觉和预感
               6Examining the Code 检查代码
                   Static White-Black Testing: Examining the Design and Code静态白盒测试:检查设计和代码
                   Formal Reviews 正式检查
                           Peer Reviews 同事检查
                           Walkthroughs 走读
                           Inspections 检验
                   Coding Standards and Guidelines 编码标准和规范
                           Examples of Programming Standards and Guidelines 编程标准和规范示例
                           Obtaining Standards 获取标准
                   Generic Code Review Checklist 通用代码审查清单
                           Data Reference Errors 数据引用错误
                           Data Declaration Errors 数据声明错误
                           Computation Errors 计算错误
                           Comparison Errors 比较错误
                           Control Flow Errors 控制流程错误
                           Subroutine Parameter Errors 子程序参数错误
                           Input/Output Errors 输入/输出错误
                           Other Checks 其它检查
                7Testing the Software with X-Ray Glasses 戴上X光眼镜测试软件
                   Dynamic White-Box Testing 动态白盒测试
                   Dynamic White-Box Testing Versus Debugging 比较动态白盒测试与调试
                   Testing the Pieces 分段测试
                           Unit and Integration Testing 单元测试和集成测试
                           An Example of Module Testing 单元测试示例
                   Data Coverage 数据覆盖
                           Data Flow 数据流
                           Sub-Boundaries 次边界
                           Formulas and Equations 公式和等式
                           Error Forcing 错误强制
                   Code Coverage 代码覆盖
                           Program Statement and Line Coverage 程序语句和代码行覆盖
                           Branch Coverage 分支覆盖
                           Condition Coverage 条件覆盖

愚人 发表于 2010-9-26 12:54:14


june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:54:35

Part III:   Applying Your Testing Skills 第三部分: 应用测试技术
                8Configuration Testing 配置测试
                   An Overview of Configuration Testing 配置测试综述
                           Isolating Configuration Bugs 分离配置缺陷
                           Sizing Up the Job 计算工作量
                   Approaching the Task 执行任务
                           Decide the Types of Hardware You’ll Need 确定所需的硬件类型
                           Decide What Hardware Brands, Models, and Device Drivers Are Available 确定硬件厂商、型号和可用的设备驱动程序
                           Decide Which Hardware Features, Modes, and Options Are Possible 确定可能的硬件特性、模式和选项
                           Pare Down the Identified Hardware Configurations to a Manageable Set 将确定的硬件配置缩减为可控范围
                           Identify Your Software’s Unique Features That Work with the Hardware Configurations 明确与硬件配置有关的软件特性
                           Design the Test Cases to Run on Each Configuration 设计在每一种配置中执行的测试用例
                           Execute the Tests on Each Configuration 在每一种配置中执行测试
                           Rerun the Tests Until the Results Satisfy Your Team 反复测试直到小组对结果满意为止
                   Obtaining the Hardware 获取硬件
                   Identifying Hardware Standards 明确硬件标准
                   Configuration Testing Other Hardware 对其他硬件进行配置测试
                9Compatibility Testing 兼容性测试
                   Compatibility Testing Overview 兼容性测试综述
                   Platform and Application Versions 平台和应用软件版本
                           Backward and Forward Compatibility 向前兼容和向后兼容
                           The Impact of Testing Multiple Versions 测试多个版本的影响
                   Standards and Guidelines 标准和规范
                           High-Level Standards and Guidelines 高级标准和规范
                           Low-Level Standards and Guidelines 低级标准和规范
                   Data Sharing Compatibility 数据共享兼容性
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验
                10 Foreign-Language Testing 外语测试
                   Making the Words and Pictures Make Sense 使文字和图片有意义
                   Translation Issues 翻译问题
                           Text Expansion 文本扩展
                           ASCII, DBCS, and Unicode ASCII、DBCS和Unicode
                           Hot Keys and Shortcuts 热键和快捷键
                           Extended Characters 扩展字符
                           Computations on Characters 字符计算
                           Reading Left to Right and Right to Left 从左到右和从右到左读
                           Text in Graphics 图形中的文字
                           Keep the Text out of the Code 让文本与代码脱离
                   Localization Issues 本地化问题
                           Content 内容
                           Data Formats 数据格式
                   Configuration and Compatibility Issues 配置和兼容性问题
                           Foreign Platform Configurations 国外平台配置
                           Data Compatibility 数据兼容性
                   How Much Should You Test? 测试量有多大?
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验
                11 Usability Testing 可用性测试
                   User Interface Testing 用户界面测试
                   What Makes a Good UI? 优秀UI由什么构成?
                           Follows Standards and Guidelines 符合标准和规范
                           Intuitive 直观
                           Consistent 一致
                           Flexible 灵活
                           Comfortable 舒适
                           Correct 正确
                           Useful 实用
                   Testing for the Disabled: Accessibility Testing 为残疾障碍人群测试:辅助选项测试
                           Legal Requirements 法律要求
                           Accessibility Features in Software 软件中的辅助特性
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验
                12 Testing the Documentation 测试文档
                   Types of Software Documentation 软件文档类型
                   The Importance of Documentation Testing审查文档的重要性
                   What to Look for When Reviewing Documentation 审查文档时要找什么
                   The Realities of Documentation Testing 文档测试的实质
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验
                13 Testing for Software Security 软件安全性测试
                   WarGames---the Movie 战争游戏---电影
                   Understanding the Motivation 了解动机
                   Threat Modeling 威胁模式分析
                   Is Software Security a Feature? Is Security Vulnerability a Bug? 软件安全是一项功能吗? 软件安全漏洞是一个缺陷吗?
                   Understanding the Buffer Overrun 了解缓冲区溢出
                   Using Safe String Functions 使用安全字符串函数
                   Computer Forensics 计算机取证
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验
                14 Website Testing 网站测试
                   Web Page Fundamentals 网页基础
                   Black-Box Testing 黑盒测试
                           Text 文本
                           Hyperlinks 超级链接
                           Graphics 图片
                           Forms 表单
                           Objects and Other Simple Miscellaneous Functionality 对象及各种其他简单功能
                   Gray-Box Testing 灰盒测试
                   White-Box Testing 白盒测试
                   Configuration and Compatibility Testing 配置和兼容性测试
                   Usability Testing 易用性测试
                   Introducing Automation 自动化测试简介
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验

Part IV:   Supplementing Your Testing 第四部分: 测试的补充
                15 Automated Testing and Test Tools 自动化测试和测试工具
                   The Benefits of Automation and Tools 自动化和工具的好处
                   Test Tools 测试工具
                           Viewers and Monitors 查看器和监视器
                           Drivers 驱动程序
                           Stubs 桩
                           Stress and Load Tools 压力和负载工具
                           Interference Injectors and Noise Generators 干扰注入器和噪声发生器
                           Analysis Tools 分析工具
                   Software Test Automation 软件测试自动化
                           Macro Recording and Playback 宏录制和回放
                           Programmed Macros 可编程的宏
                           Fully Programmable Automated Testing Tools 完全可编程的自动化测试工具
                   Random Testing: Monkeys and Gorillas 随机测试:猴子和大猩猩
                           Dumb Monkeys 笨拙的猴子
                           Semi-Smart Monkeys 半聪明的猴子
                           Smart Monkeys 聪明的猴子
                   Realities of Using Test Tools and Automation 使用测试工具和自动化的实质
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验
                16 Bug Bashes and Beta Testing 缺陷轰炸和Beta测试
                   Having Other People Test Your Software 让别人测试你的软件
                   Test Sharing 测试共享
                   Beta Testing Beta测试
                   Outsourcing Your Testing 外包测试
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验

Part V:    Working with Test Documentation 第五部分: 测试文档编写
                17 Planning Your Test Effort 计划测试工作
                   The Goal of Test Planning 测试计划的目标
                   Test Planning Topics 测试计划主题
                           High-Level Expectations 高级期望
                           People, Places, and Things 人、地点和事
                           Definitions 定义
                           Inter-Group Responsibilities 团队之间的责任
                           What Will and Won’t Be Tested 哪些要测试,哪些不要测试
                           Test Phases 测试的阶段
                           Test Strategy 测试策略
                           Resource Requirements 资源需求
                           Tester Assignments 测试人员的任务分配
                           Test Schedule 测试进度
                           Test Cases 测试用例
                           Bug Reporting 软件缺陷报告
                           Metrics and Statistics 评估和统计
                           Risks and Issues 风险和问题
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验
                18 Writing and Tracking Test Cases 编写和跟踪测试用例
                   The Goals of Test Case Planning 测试用例计划的目标
                   Test Case Planning Overview 测试用例计划综述
                           Test Design 测试设计
                           Test Cases 测试用例
                           Test Procedures 测试程序
                   Test Case Organization and Tracking 测试用例组织和跟踪
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验
                19 Reporting What You Find 报告发现的缺陷
                   Getting Your Bugs Fixed 设法修复你发现的软件缺陷
                   Isolating and Reproducing Bugs 分离和再现软件缺陷
                   Not All Bugs Are Created Equal 并非所有的软件缺陷生来就是平等的
                   A Bug’s Life Cycle 软件缺陷的生命周期
                   Bug-Tracking Systems 软件缺陷跟踪系统
                           The Standard: The Test Incident Report 标准:测试事件报告
                           Manual Bug Reporting and Tracking 手工软件缺陷报告和跟踪
                           Automated Bug Reporting and Tracking 自动化软件缺陷报告和跟踪
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验
                20 Measuring Your Success 测试成效评估
                   Using the Information in the Bug Tracking Database 使用软件缺陷跟踪数据库中的信息
                   Metrics That You’ll Use in Your Daily Testing 在日常测试中使用的度量标准
                   Common Project-Level Metrics 常用项目级度量标准
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验

Part VI:   The Future 第六部分: 软件测试前景
                21 Software Quality Assurance 软件质量保证
                   Quality Is Free质量是免费的
                   Testing and Quality Assurance in the Workplace 工作场所的测试和质量保证
                           Software Testing 软件测试
                           Quality Assurance 质量保证
                           Other Names for Software Testing Groups 软件测试团队的其它名称
                   Test Management and Organizational Structures 测试的管理和组织结构
                   Capability Maturity Model(CMM) 能力成熟度模型(CMM)
                   ISO 9000 ISO 9000
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验
                22 Your Career as a Software Tester 软件测试职业生涯
                   Your Job as a Software Tester软件测试员的工作
                   Finding a Software Testing Position 寻找软件测试职位
                   Gaining Hands-On Experience 获得亲身体验
                   Formal Training Opportunities 正规培训机会
                   Websites 网站
                   Professional Organizations Dedicated to Software or Software Quality 致力于软件和软件质量的专业组织
                   Further Reading 其他阅读资料
                   Summary 本章小结
                   Quiz 小测验

Study Notes:
Precision and Accuracy   precision侧重于精确度, accuracy侧重于准确度,precision高能提高accuracy,但precision未必accuracy。
Verification and Validation   verification侧重于确认You do it right,validation侧重于验证You do the right thing。

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:54:58

It seems as though each day there’s yet another news story about a computer software problem or security breach: a bank reporting incorrect account balances, a Mars Lander lost in space, a grocery store scanner charging too much for bananas, or a hacker gaining access to millions of credit numbers.
Why does this happen? Can’t computer programmers figure out ways to make software just plain work? Unfortunately, no. As software gets more complex, gains more features, and is more interconnected, it becomes more an more difficult---actually, mathematically impossible---to create a glitch-free program. Despite how competent the programmers are and how much care is taken, there will always be software problems.
This is where software testing comes in. We’ve all found those little Inspector 12 tags in the pockets of our new clothes. Well, software has Inspector 12s, too. Most large software companies are so committed to quality they have one or more testers for each programmer. These jobs span the software spectrum from computer games to factory automation to business applications.
This book, Software Testing, will introduce you to the basics of software testing, necessary to become a successful software tester. You will learn how to immediately find problems in any computer program, how to plan an effective test approach, how to clearly report your findings, and how to tell when your software is ready for release.

About the Second Edition
When I wrote the first edition of Software Testing, software security issues were just beginning to make the headlines. Hackers and security problems had always been a problem, but with the interconnectivity explosion that was about to occur, few in the industry could predict the impact that security bugs would have on developers and users of computer software.
In this second edition I’ve revisited every chapter to emphasize software security issues and point out how the basic testing techniques covered throughout the book can be used to prevent, find and fix them. I’ve also added a chapter that specifically addresses how to test for software security bugs.
If you’re a reader of the first edition, you know that no matter what you do, your software will still be released with bugs. As you’ll learn in the second edition, this axiom still holds true---even for security problems. However, by applying the lessons taught in this book you’ll go a long way towards assuring that the most important bugs don’t slip through and that your team will create the highest quality and most secure software possible.

Who Should Use This Book?
This book is written for three different groups of people:
        Students of computer hobbyists interested in software testing as a full-time job, internship, or co-op. Read this book before your interview or before your first day on the job to really impress your new boss.
        Career changers wanting to move from their field of experience into the software industry. There are lots of opportunities for non-software experts to apply their knowledge to software testing. For example, a flight instructor could test a flight simulator game, an accountant could test tax preparation software, or a teacher could test a new child education program.
        Programmers, software project managers, and other people who make up a software development team who want to improve their knowledge and understanding of what software testing is all about.
        想把软件测试作为全职工作的学生和计算机爱好者,比如实习生,带薪合作实习生。在你面试或者第一天上班前阅读本书,将会使你给老板留下深刻的好印象。
        想从自己有经验的行业领域转到软件产业的人,软件测试为那些非软件行业专家提供了很多施展他们学识的机会。比如,飞行教官可以测试飞行类模拟游戏,会计师可以测试税务软件,教师可以测试一个新的儿童教育软件。
        所有想要提高和了解什么是软件测试的程序员、软件项目经理,以及软件开发团对的其他人员。

What This Book Will Do for you
In this book you will learn something about nearly every aspect of software testing:
        How software testing fits into the software development process
        Basic and advanced software testing technique
        Applying testing skills to common testing tasks
        Improving test efficiency with automation
        Planning and document your test effort
        Effectively reporting the problems you find
        Measuring your test effort and your product’s progress
        Knowing the difference between testing and quality assurance
        Finding a job as a software tester
        软件测试如何融入软件开发过程
        基础和高阶的软件测试技术
        在日常工作任务中应用测试技术
        运用自动化提高测试效率
        规划和文档化测试工作
        有效报告你发现的问题
        评估你的测试工作和产品进展
        了解测试与质量保证之间的区别
        找一个软件测试员的工作

Software Necessary to Use This Book
The methods presented in this book are generic and can be applied to testing any type of computer software. But, to make the examples familiar and usable by most people, they are based on simple programs such as Calculator, Notepad, and WordPad included with Windows XP and Windows NT/2000.
Even if you’re using a Mac or a PC running Linux or another operating system, you will likely have similar programs available on your computer that you can easily adapt to the text. Be creative! Creativity is one trait of a good software tester.
本书中介绍的方法都是通用的,可以用来测试任何类型的计算机软件。但是,为了使示例能让大多数人熟悉和易用,需要一些基于Windows Xp和Windows NT/2000的简单程序,比如计算器、记事本和写字板。

The examples used throughout this book of various applications, software bugs, and software tools are in on way intended as an endorsement or a disparagement of the software. They’re simply used to demonstrate the concepts of software testing.

Study Notes:
Mathematically impossible 数学上是不可能的,就是指绝对不可能发生的

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:55:15

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-27 11:00 编辑

How This Book Is Organized
This book is designed to lead you through the essential knowledge and skills necessary to become a good software tester. Software testing is not about banging on the keyboard hoping you’ll eventually crash the computer. A great deal of science and engineering is behind it, lots of discipline and planning, and there can be lots of fun, too---as you’ll soon see.

Part I: The Big Picture 第一部分:软件测试综述
Part II: Testing Fundamentals 第二部分:测试基础
Part III: Applying Your Testing Skills 第三部分:运用测试技术
Part IV: Supplementing Your Testing 第四部分:测试的补充
Part V: Working with Test Documentation 第五部分:测试文档编写
Part VI: The Future 第六部分:软件测试前景

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:55:21

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-27 10:46 编辑

Part I: The Big Picture
The chapters in Part I lay the foundation for this book by showing you how software products are developed and how software testing fits into the overall development process. You’ll see the importance of software testing and gain an appreciation for the magnitude of the job.
      Chapter 1, “Software Testing Background,” helps you understand exactly what a software bug is, how serious they can be, and why they occur. You’ll learn what your ultimate goal is as a software tester and what traits will help make you a good one.
      Chapter 2, “The Software Development Process,” gives you an overview of how a software product is created in the corporate world. You’ll learn what components typically go into software, what types of people contribute to it, and the different process models that can be used.
      Chapter 3, “The Realities of Software Testing,” brings a reality check to how software is developed. You’ll see why no matter how hard you try, software can never be perfect. You’ll also learn a few fundamental terms and concepts used throughout the rest of this book.
      第1章,“软件测试背景”让你正确理解软件缺陷,软件缺陷的严重性,以及它们是如何产生的。你将认识到成为一名软件测试工作者并且拥有一名优秀软件测试工作者的特质才是你的最终目标。
      第2章,“软件开发的过程”给你展示企业如何创建软件产品。你将认识到哪些典型组件构成软件,哪些人为软件做贡献,以及可能使用的不同过程模型。
      第3章,“软件测试的实质”带来开发软件的现实可行性对照检查,你将明白无论你多努力,软件都不可能完美。你还会了解本书接下来用到的一些基本术语和概念。

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:55:27

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-27 10:47 编辑

Part II: Testing Fundamental
The chapters in Part II teach you the fundamental approaches to software testing. The work of testing software is divided into four basic areas, and you will see the techniques used for each one:
      Chapter 4,”Examining the Specification,” teaches you how to find bugs by carefully inspecting the documentation that describes what the software is intended to do.
      Chapter 5, “Testing the Software with Blinders On,” teaches you the techniques to use for testing software without having access to the code or even knowing how to program. This is the most common type of testing.
      Chapter 6,”Examining the Code,” shows you how to perform detailed analysis of the program’s source code to find bugs. You’ll learn that you don’t have to be an expert programmer to use these techniques.
      Chapter 7, “Testing the Software with X-Ray Glasses,” teaches you how you can improve your testing by leveraging information you gain by reviewing the code or being able to see it execute while you run your tests.
      第4章,“检查产品说明书”教你如何通过仔细检查产品详细说明文档来发现缺陷。
      第5章,“戴上眼罩测试软件”教你不需要阅读代码甚至不懂编程的情况下使用的软件测试的技术。这是最常见的测试方式。
      第6章,“检查代码”教你如何通过仔细的源代码分析来发现缺陷。你将了解到不是专业程序员也可以使用这些技术。
      第7章,“戴上X光眼镜测试软件”教你如何通过检查代码或查看程序运行情况获得有效使用信息来提高和改进测试。

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:55:33

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-27 10:41 编辑

Part III: Applying Your Testing Skills
The chapters in Part III take the techniques that you learned in Part II and apply them to some real-world scenarios that you’ll encounter as a software tester:
      Chapter 8, “Configuration Testing,” teaches you how to organize and perform software testing on different hardware configurations and platforms.
      Chapter 9, “Compatibility Testing,” teaches you how to test for issues with different software applications and operating systems interacting with each other.
      Chapter 10, “Foreign-Language Testing,” shows you that a whole world of software is out there and that it’s important to test for the special problems that can arise when software is translated into other languages.
      Chapter 11,”Usability Testing,” teaches you how to apply your testing skills when checking a software application’s user interface and how to assure that your software is accessible to the disabled.
      Chapter 12, “Testing the Documentation,” explains how to examine the software’s documentation such as help files, user manuals, even the marketing material, for bugs.
      Chapter 13, “Testing for Software Security,” shows you how to find bugs that allow hackers to gain access to (supposedly) secure computer systems and data.
      Chapter 14, “Website Testing,” takes everything you’ve learned so far and applies it to a present-day situation. You’ll see how something as simple as testing a website can encompass nearly all aspects of software testing.
      第8章,“配置测试”教你如何在不同硬件配置和平台上组织并执行软件测试。
      第9章,“兼容性测试”教你如何测试不同软件应用程序和操作系统之间相互影响的问题。
      第10章,“外语测试”给你一个全球性软件,当软件被翻译成其他语言时,测试这个可能产生的特殊问题是很重要的。
      第11章,“可用性测试”教你在检查软件应用程序用户界面时如何运用测试技术,以及如何确保软件方便残疾人士使用。
      第12章,“测试文档”解释如何检查软件文档,比如帮助文档、用户手册、甚至市场资料的缺陷。
      第13章,“软件安全性测试”告诉你如何从黑客访问计算机系统和数据的漏洞中发现缺陷。
      第14章,“网站测试”将你目前为止所学一切技术运用到当前实际情况中。你会发现不管测试多么简单的一个网站都会用到几乎所有方面的软件测试知识。

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:55:41

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-27 10:48 编辑

Part IV: Supplementing Your Testing
The chapters in Part IV show you how to improve your test coverage and capability by leveraging both technology and people to perform your testing more efficiently and effectively:
      Chapter 15, “Automated Testing and Test Tools,” explains how you can use computers and software to test other software. You’ll also learn why using technology isn’t foolproof.
      Chapter 16, ”Bug Bashes and Beta Testing,” shows you how to use other people to see the software differently and to find bugs that you completely over-looked.
      第15章,“自动化测试和测试工具”告诉你如何使用计算机和软件来测试其他软件。你还会明白为什么使用技术不是万无一失的。
      第16章,“测试轰炸和Beta测试”教你如何利用其他人的不同方式来检查软件,以便发现你之前彻底漏掉的缺陷。

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:55:53

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-27 10:49 编辑

Part V: Working with Test Documentation
The chapter in Part V cover how software testing is documented so that its plans, bugs, and results can be seen and understood by everyone on the project team:
      Chapter 17, “Planning Your Test Effort,” shows you what goes into creating a test plan for your project. As a new software tester, you likely won’t write a test plan from scratch, but it’s important to know what’s in one and why.
      Chapter 18, “Writing and Tracking Test Cases,” teaches you how to properly document the test cases you develop so that you and other testers can use them.
      Chapter 19, “Reporting What You Find,” teaches you how to tell the world when you find a bug, how to isolate the steps necessary to make it recur, and how to describe it so that others will understand and want to fix it.
      Chapter 20, “Measuring Your Success,” describes various types of data, charts, and graphs used to gauge both your progress and success at testing and your software project’s steps toward release.
      第17章,“计划测试工作”告诉你测试计划包含哪些内容。作为一个初级软件测试工作者,不可能从无到有编写测试计划文档。但了解测试计划内容和为什么这么做是非常重要的。
      第18章,“编写和跟踪测试用例”教你如何正确编写测试用例文档,以便你自己和其他测试人员都能使用它。
      第19章,“报告发现的缺陷”教你如何把发现的缺陷告诉别人,如何分步骤重现缺陷,以及如何描述这个缺陷以便其他人能理解并修复它。
      第20章,“测试成效评估”描述使用各种不同类型数据、图表来度量你的工作进度、测试成就和整个项目的发行步伐。

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:56:00

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-27 10:45 编辑

Part VI: The Future
The chapters in Part VI explain where the future lies in software testing and set the stage for your career:
      Chapter 21, “Software Quality Assurance,” teaches you the big difference between software testing and quality assurance. You’ll learn about different software industry goals such as ISO 9000 and the Capabilities Maturity Model and what it takes to achieve them.
      Chapter 22, “Your Career as a Software Tester,” gives you that kick in the behind to go out and be a software tester. You’ll learn what types of jobs are available and where to look for them. You’ll also find many pointers to more information.
      第21章,“软件质量保证”使你懂得软件测试与质量保证的区别。你会学习软件业的不同标准,例如ISO 9000和软件能力成熟度模型,以及实现它们的必要条件。
      第22章,“软件测试职业生涯”给你动力成为一名软件测试员。你会了解到什么类型的工作适合测试员以及哪里能找到它们。你还会发现更多指示和更多信息。

Study Notes:
From scratch   从头开始、从无到有、白手起家

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:56:16

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-27 13:41 编辑

Each chapter in this book ends with a short quiz where you can try out the testing concepts that you learn. The answers appear in Appendix A, “Answers to Quiz Questions.”

In addition to typographical conventions, the following special elements are included to set off different types of information to make them easily recognizable.

Special notes augment the material you read in each chapter. These notes clarify concepts and procedures.

You’ll find various tips that offer shortcuts and solutions to common problems.

Reminders refer to concepts discussed in previous chapters to help refresh your memory and reinforce important concepts.




june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:56:50

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-29 12:59 编辑

Part I
The Big Picture
A crash is when your competitor’s program dies. When your program dies, it is an “idiosyncrasy.” Frequently, crashes are followed with a message like “ID 02.” “ID” is an abbreviation for “idiosyncrasy” and the number that follows indicates how many more months of testing the product should have had.
-Guy Kawasaki, “The Macintosh Way”
I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.
-Douglas Adams, author of “The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

1 Software Testing Background
2 The Software Development Process
3 The Realities of Software Testing
当竞争对手的程序停止工作的时候叫崩溃。当自己的程序停止工作的时候叫“异常”。通常情况下,崩溃紧随其后的是一个类似的信息“ID 02”。“ID”是“异常”的缩写,而后面的数字则用来表示这个产品已经测试了几个月。
1 软件测试的背景
2 软件开发的过程
3 软件测试的实质

1 软件测试的背景

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:57:03

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-29 12:58 编辑

1 Software Testing Background
      Infamous Software Error Case Studies
      What Is a Bug?
      Why Do Bugs Occur?
      The Cost of Bugs
      What Exactly Does a Software Tester Do?
      What Makes a Good Software Tester?

In 1947, computers were big, room-sized machines operating on mechanical relays and glowing vacuum tubes. The state of the art at the time was the Mark II, a behemoth being built at Harvard University. Technicians were running the new computer through its paces when it suddenly stopped working. They scrambled to figure out why and discovered, stuck between a set of relay contacts deep in the bowels of the computer, moth. It had apparently flown into the system, attracted by the light and heat, and was zapped by the high voltage when it landed on the relay.
The computer bug was born. Well, okay, it died, but you get the point.
Welcome to the first chapter of Software Testing. In this chapter, you’ll learn about the history of software bugs and software testing.
Highlights of this chapter include
      How software bugs impact our lives
      What bugs are and why they occur
      Who software testers are and what they do
第一章      软件测试的背景
      臭名昭著的软件错误案例研究
      什么是软件缺陷?
      为什么会出现软件缺陷?
      修复软件缺陷的成本
      软件测试员究竟做些什么工作?
      优秀的软件测试员应具备哪些特质?

      软件缺陷如何影响我们的生活
      什么是软件缺陷,以及为什么会产生软件缺陷
      软件测试员是哪些人,以及他们做些什么工作


june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:57:18

本帖最后由 june_zhuhui 于 2010-9-29 13:02 编辑

Infamous Software Error Case Studies
It’s easy to take software for granted and not really appreciate how much it has infiltrated our daily lives. Back in 1947, the Mark II computer required legions of programmers to constantly maintain it. The average person never conceived of someday having his own computer in his home. Now there’s free software CD-ROMs attached to cereal boxes and more software in our kids’ video games than on the space shuttle. What once were techie gadgets, such as pagers and cell phones, have become commonplace. Most of us now can’t go a day without logging on to the Internet and checking our email. We rely on overnight packages, long-distance phone service, and cutting-edge medical treatment.
Software is everywhere. However, it’s written by people---so it’s not perfect, as the following examples show.

june_zhuhui 发表于 2010-9-26 12:57:31

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查看完整版本: Translation of 《Software Testing》 Second Edition By Ron Patton