rtgap.dll function GAPTaskExecute failed
ROBOT回放时出现的错误:rtgap.dll function GAPTaskExecutefailed.
平台:WIN2K(English)+Robot(2003 fixed) +Oracle 8i
测试页面中有一个文本框,要求在文本框中输入文字信息,然后使用剪贴板来验证输入信息是否与输入的一致。执行结果中Log输出正常,可是在Log中同样有一项是Informational 就是”rtgap.dll function GAPTaskExecutefailed“
请指教! Problem
When running a GUI script with a function call which uses custom DLL(s) declared in a header file (SBH file) from Rational® TestManager, the test passes with an information message of:
Rational TestManager: : rtgap.dll function GAPTaskExecute failed
These DLL(s) are put in the dll folder of the project's datastore, and the project location is specified with the UNC path.
When running the same script from Rational® Robot, there is no error message.
When running a script without a function call from Rational TestManager, there is no error message.
When running a GUI script with a function call which uses custom DLL(s) in a SBH file from Rational TestManager, you need to specify the complete path to the DLL(s).
To resolve the issue, the user can do either of the following;
1. Declare with the complete path name of the DLL(s)
2. Declare "dll\xxx.dll" in the SBH file when the custom DLL(s) files are put in the dll folder of the project's TestDatastore