莹莹.@ 发表于 2006-2-8 10:36:08

Types of Testing(测试类型的英文说法)

Testing is awash with different terms that are used differently by different people and different organisations. There are standard terms and these should be included when editing these details. The most important point however, is to use terms that your organisation and colleagues understand, there’s no point being the only person using the right term if everyone else misunderstands you.

This page briefly describes many of the various different types of testing that most people come across and provides links to more detailed explanations.

Acceptance Testing
Accessibility Testing
Exploratory Testing
Integration Testing - Component
Integration Testing - System
Load Testing
Performance Testing
Reliability Testing
Regression Testing
Security Testing
Stress Testing
System Testing
Unit Testing
Usability Testing
User Acceptance Testing
Automated Testing

莹莹.@ 发表于 2006-2-8 10:36:53


enoisad 发表于 2006-2-13 09:05:29

Acceptance Testing 验收测试
Accessibility Testing易用性测试(?)
Exploratory Testing探测性(自由)测试
Integration Testing - Component 集成测试
Integration Testing - System系统整合测试
Load Testing负载测试
Performance Testing 性能测试
Reliability Testing   可靠性测试
Regression Testing 回归测试
Security Testing安全性测试
Stress Testing    压力测试
System Testing   系统测试
Unit Testing单元测试
Usability Testing   可用性测试
User Acceptance Testing 用户验收测试
Automated Testing自动化测试

skinapi 发表于 2006-2-14 23:07:21

Accessibility Testing接入测试
Exploratory Testing探索式测试(不算自由测试的)
Integration Testing - Component 组件内集成测试(模块内或者子系统内)
Integration Testing - System系统内集成测试

eileen.cui 发表于 2006-3-3 22:15:19

原帖由 skinapi 于 2006-2-14 23:07 发表
Accessibility Testing接入测试
Exploratory Testing探索式测试(不算自由测试的)
Integration Testing - Component 组件内集成测试(模块内或者子系统内)
Integration Testing - System系 ...


Accessibility Testing接入测试????


skinapi 发表于 2006-3-4 11:43:26

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查看完整版本: Types of Testing(测试类型的英文说法)