dhrbc 发表于 2010-6-12 11:01:12

上海贝尔(阿尔卡特朗讯) 招聘软件测试实习生

本帖最后由 dhrbc 于 2011-7-19 09:53 编辑

上海贝尔股份有限公司 招聘 软件测试实习生

1. 工科类研究生在读(研一或研二),计算机,软件工程,通信工程优先
2. 每周至少可以有4天时间,并且接受周六加班(有薪酬)
3. 熟练掌握C/C++语言和数据结构
4. 极强的自我驱动与自学能力,能够很好理解既有的系统或软件需求说明,并以此设计测试用例
5. 有嵌入式软件开发或测试相关经验优先
6. 有专利申请经验者优先
7. 能有连续6-12个月实习期的优先

1. 在带教导师的指导下,根据系统需求设计系统测试用例
2. 在带教导师的指导下,根据系统架构设计系统集成测试用例
3. 在带教导师的指导下,基于C/C++语言开发测试辅助工具
4. 专利申报相关文档工作



dhrbc 发表于 2010-6-18 09:03:58


dhrbc 发表于 2010-6-18 09:04:23


dhrbc 发表于 2010-7-6 09:16:23


dhrbc 发表于 2010-7-12 13:48:27


dhrbc 发表于 2010-7-14 17:04:04


dhrbc 发表于 2011-7-19 09:51:53


dhrbc 发表于 2011-7-19 09:52:04


向日葵朵朵 发表于 2011-7-19 19:50:10

hp招聘功能测试、自动化测试工作地点功能测试地点北京 重庆 上海 苏州 武汉;自动化测试工作地点重庆上海 武汉 ,JD如下:

1.      Functional Testing Engineer

Job Description
-      Analyze business requirement documents and understand customers’ needs.
-      Design and maintain Use case/ Script content List / Test scripts in English.
-      Perform different kinds of testing, integration, system, regression, compatibility and performance testing, etc.
-      Logging defects where applicable and managing the defect to closure/resolution
-      Strong hands-on Experience in creating comprehensive test plans, cases and technical documents in English
-      Have an open mind, positive attitude and a constructive way of solving problems.
-      Learning new technology quickly and apply to work tasks.
-      Effectively communicate status of test effort
-      Fluent in English, both spoken and written.
-      Knowledge of Test methodology
-      Experience in SQL database querying is a plus.
-      Mercury QC/QTP experience is a plus.
-      C#(or Java/.net) experience is a plus
-      Bachelor’s degree or above

2.      Automation Testing Engineer

Job Description

-      Analyzing requirements and analyzing systems requirements for automation testability
-      Developing test standards, procedures and test cases based upon requirements
-      Controlling the test configuration and environment
-      Designing, automating and executing test cases and maintaining the automation test framework independently
-      Be able to analyze test result, generate test/issue report and track issues till close.
-      Responsible to the integrity of test plans, data, environments, etc. Keep test deliverables according to application changes.
-      Communicate information timely and appropriately to customer and/or relevant parties for testing status/issue.
-      1+ years experience in software testing
-      Bachelor's degree in computer science, or other related scientific or technical discipline
-      Be familiar with one of the following script language: VB Script/JavaScript
-      Strong interests in automation work, can do attitude
-      Experience with HP testing tools: QTP/QC/etc is highly preferred
-      Software development knowledge and experience is a plus
-      Experience in database and SQL language is preferred
-      Fluent English, both oral and written

有意者联系EmmaQQ369970631      电话02389169066/13650528639

dhrbc 发表于 2011-7-21 09:17:33

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