AIMA - Application - Equivalence Classes based on business logic, domain ranges, and outcomes.
I - Input - Equivalence Classes based on how data gets into the system. Data entry, files, string lengths, formats, precisions.
M - Memory - Equivalence Classes based on how data is stored in memory or the database.
The AIM acronym helps me to identify equivalence classes for test data.
AIM's been useful in all sorts of projects & it helps me teach old testers new tricks.
这里AIM不过是一种缩写,这种方式是James Bach引入的exploratory testing所推崇的一种方式,通过简单易记的缩写把测试的思路记录下来,方便共享和交流。 貌似懂了! 支持
回复 #1 skinapi 的帖子
支持 A=应用I=输入