88888 发表于 2009-10-22 21:34:12



aman_cao 发表于 2009-10-23 10:03:25


iori 发表于 2009-10-23 11:47:00


88888 发表于 2009-10-23 19:05:28



shanxi 发表于 2009-10-23 22:38:11

Q. 88: How can we create Vuser scripts for running on UNIX platforms?

We can create Vuser scripts which can run on UNIX platforms by following two methods:

1) By using VuGen: We record our application in a Windows environment and run it in UNIX, because recording is not supported on UNIX.

2) By Programming: Scripts can be programmed in C or C++ and they must be compiled into a dynamic library. To create a script through programming, we can use a Vuser template as a basis for a larger Vuser scrips.

实际上对于协议来说是不区分平台的 所有平台对网络协议的实现都按照标准实现 也许会有实现细节上的不同,但这并不影响LR录制时对接受的包进行协议解析所生成的脚本。

由于不同的平台有不同的LoadRunner generator 所以能保证在Windows 和 Unix下分别施压能达到该操作系统所支持的网络特性

对于以proxy方式利用Loadrunner的 port map来录制unix上生成的流量,你得想想你的proxy得完美支持多少种协议才行,不光是http!
页: [1]
查看完整版本: LR如何录制UNIX系统下的程序