goog_616 发表于 2009-9-16 12:50:18

Ramp Down时老出问题!求助!

Ramp Up的时候一切正常,到Ramp Down的时候经常报些莫名的错误出来!
1.Monitor name :Windows Resources. Cannot access data for measurement PhysicalDisk|% Disk Time|_Total on machine George.
Details: 检测出一个含有负值的计数器。
2.Error: All configuration parameters are missing
3.Error -27496: Internal Error (call customer services): InternetCloseHandle failed for item at 038DD794, Windows error code=6. Assuming the item can be deleted, but error(s) may occur in fvLrwNetWinInetCallback
4.Error -27267: Pending web requests detected at the end of the Virtual User but there is no active concurrent group
5.Error -27264: Unhandled pending items will be deleted
还有一个问题,我运行脚本没有用IP Spoofer;Run Vuser as a thread;Controller里Vuser Quota为10000;Step downlaod timeout是240秒;一共4台电脑运行脚本,每台Quantity是4000,一共报227个Time out "链接地址"的error。听同事说服务器质量一般,可我那么多用户只测出227个error,是不是哪里设备的不好?还是根本没有那么多用户在跑?

msnshow 发表于 2009-9-16 13:34:30

感觉 一共报227个Time out没什么问题,因为你timeout的时间设置比较长

goog_616 发表于 2009-9-16 15:10:42

同样脚本同样设置运行,如果Step downlaod timeout设120秒的话,就有900多error了!

linda_4528 发表于 2011-3-3 17:49:18


summory8023 发表于 2013-5-20 11:09:48


summory8023 发表于 2013-5-20 11:12:14

我在做性能测试的时候碰到这样的问题:Action.c(4): Error -27496: Internal Error (call customer services): InternetCloseHandle failed for item at 02ACAAEC, Windows error code=6. Assuming the item can be deleted, but error(s) may occur in fvLrwNetWinInetCallback各位高手帮忙解决下。

rona1979 发表于 2014-3-10 16:12:12

Error -27496: Internal Error - InternetCloseHandle failed for item at 0582C7B0, Windows error code=6. Assuming the item can be deleted, but error(s) may occur in fvLrwNetWinInetCallback
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