”这样的方法,不知道怎么添加,自己折腾了半天没有效果,还请各位指教。 解决方法:
进入mantis,依次选择 管理->配置管理->configuration_report
到页面的最下方,帐号选择all users,项目名称选择你希望设置生效的项目,configuration option写view_issues_page_columns,类型默认就好,值设为array ( 'selection', 'edit', 'priority', 'id', 'sponsorship_total', 'bugnotes_count', 'attachment', 'category', 'severity', 'status', 'last_updated', 'summary' );这里的项可以自己添加,但是得保证和配置文件中的名字一致,要不内容不会自动添进去 添加的内容只有标题,并没有获取到实际的值 BUG列表中添加“报告人”一列,默认就有啊,reporter_idr就是的.
selection - The tick box that allows the selection of the bugs to perform a group operation on.
edit - The pen that allows opening an issue in Edit mode.
id - The issue id.
project_id - The project name
duplicate_id - The id of the last duplicate set for an issue.
reporter_id - The reporter of the issue.
handler_id - The handler of the issue (i.e. the person assigned the issue).
priority - The issue priority.
reproducibility - The issue reproducibility.
projection - The issue projection.
eta - The issue fix eta.
resolution - The issue resolution.
target_version - The issue target version.
fixed_in_version - The issue fixed in version.
view_state - The issue view state (private vs. public).
os - The OS to which the issue applies.
os_build - The OS Build to which the issue applies.
platform - The platform to which the issue applies.
version - The product version to which the issue applies.
attachment - The column that identifies whether an issue has attachments.
category - The issue category.
severity - The issue severity.
status - The issue status.
last_updated - The issue last updated time stamp.
summary - The issue summary.
bugnotes_count - The number of notes associated with the issue.
custom_xyz - Custom field with name “xyz”.