Environment:QTP9.5,XPP,Vista. 一个运行QC的controller,一个运行QTP/QCClient的host我们常常需要利用QC控制QTP的运行,不过一般是排好所有case的order后开始运行.
象我们期望做的测试步骤是:自动安装QTP,QC-addin ---->自动初始化环境(自动login,取消resume from standby,prompt password,设置Dcom权限)---->自动测试1---->自动重起系统---->自动测试2----->自动重起------>自动测试3
之前我不知道怎么用qc去控制自动重起,然后等系统正常重起完成后再继续下一个步骤. 后面我发现QC有3种方法来控制:
1. 用VXAPI来指定在client端写vbs, shutdown -r.
2. 用systemtest来restart
3. QC有IRemoteAgent可以与client交互,获取当前testtool的状态,比如能不能运行tool,client是否已经连上.
[The object that implements this interface is called RemoteAgent.
The RemoteAgent object is responsible for control of the testing tool and returning status and results to Quality Center.The remote agent resides on the host machine with the testing tool and uses the DCOM protocol to communicate over the network with the host machine on which Quality Center resides.
In addition to the required methods, your implementation can use the Quality Center Open Test Architecture API to write results to the project database.]
自己顶 VAPI资料比较少,不过比较简单,你写一个手工案例,转换成VAPI案例就能明白是怎么回事了。看你的需求,用system test应该更合适。