johnfang 发表于 2009-5-7 12:35:34


Tellurium Testing Framework takes it to the next level, adds Selenium Grid
support. You can find information about setting up a Selenium Grid setup for
Tellurium on the following URL.

Tellurium adds Selenium Grid support which allows for distributed test suite
execution, further improving test execution speed. Last month tellurium got
its initial jQuery selector support which improved individual testcase

Ever wish selenium used jQuery instead of xpath locators? Tellurium does, its fast.
Tellurium functional testing framework now boasts 45% faster tests in IE by using
jQuery selectors, and over 1000% faster bulk data retrieval. Check out the performance
comparisons, and start using the new open source groovy framework.

In case of any question, please feel free to contact us.

Tellurium Team
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