Virtual User Script started
Starting action vuser_init.
Web Turbo Replay of LoadRunner 9.10.0 for Windows Vista; WebReplay85 build 5896
Run Mode: Click-and-Script
Run-Time Settings file: "C:\Users\ibm\workspace\lr\login\\default.cfg"
Current locale is "Chinese Simplified (GB2312)", code page 936, preferred charset name "gb2312", Unicode converter name="gb2312", CRT locale string="Chinese (Simplified)_People's Republic of China.936"
vuser_init.c(5): Notify: Transaction "monitor tomcat" started.
vuser_init.c(8): Registering web_reg_save_param was successful
vuser_init.c(13): Registering web_reg_save_param was successful
vuser_init.c(19): Registering web_reg_save_param was successful
vuser_init.c(25): web_set_user was successful
vuser_init.c(26): Warning -26630: HTTP Status-Code=401 (Unauthorized) for ""
vuser_init.c(26): Error -26377: No match found for the requested parameter "JVMFreeMemory". Check whether the requested boundaries exist in the response data. Also, if the data you want to save exceeds 256 bytes, use web_set_max_html_param_len to increase the parameter size
vuser_init.c(26): Error -26377: No match found for the requested parameter "JVMTotalMemory". Check whether the requested boundaries exist in the response data. Also, if the data you want to save exceeds 256 bytes, use web_set_max_html_param_len to increase the parameter size
vuser_init.c(26): Error -26377: No match found for the requested parameter "JVMMaxMemory". Check whether the requested boundaries exist in the response data. Also, if the data you want to save exceeds 256 bytes, use web_set_max_html_param_len to increase the parameter size
vuser_init.c(26): web_url("status") highest severity level was "ERROR", 3666 body bytes, 466 header bytes
vuser_init.c(26): Notify: Transaction "monitor tomcat" ended with "Fail" status (Duration: 0.2528 Wasted Time: 0.0001).
Abort was called from an action.
[ 本帖最后由 hrob 于 2009-8-21 15:52 编辑 ] 明明就提示 web_set_user was successful 了
怎么还是没有权限呢 :) 好帖。 :) 受益了,谢谢。
楼主,有一个疑问,JVMFreeMemory、JVMMaxMemory、JVMTotalMemory中,三个数值在Analysis的Legend中,各个数值(Minmus,MaxMum等)是以什么单位显示的? 谢谢。 好贴,支持原创~~前两天用了下 jprofile监测tomcat,那东东产生的图表 太多了 看不懂~~
还是简单点的好~~ 非常感谢 向楼主学习
回复 13# 的帖子
我也遇到此问题,重启tomcat,即可 :victory: :victory: 正在查找有关方面的资料,谢谢了 点评一下:LZ属于优秀人才 非常感谢,收藏了 不错 正要用, 谢谢楼主分享!!!! 高手,必须顶,下来看看,多谢 不错的文章谢谢分享 回复 13# aaa01
你检查一下,你tomcat 的conf目录下的tomcat-user.xml文件中有没有添加
<role rolename="manager"/>
<role rolename="admin"/>
<user username="admin" password="pass" roles="admin,manager"/>
我有时候也会出现这个问题,回头检查tomcat-user.xml,原来添加的用户竟然没有啦,呵呵,也没有找出什么原因!反正加上就可以了,呵呵~~~ 你们都太牛气了!!