环境是win2k3 IE7用绿色版IE6也是不行
8.1也是同样的问题。 脚本回放要启动IE? 脚本回放不需要启动ie。 你说的是run viewer吧。 No events recorded in VuGen when trying to record an application on Windows 2003 SP1 or Windows XP SP2
Windows 2003 & XP SP2 have a DEP (Data Execution Prevention) feature which prevents VuGen recording.
Control Panel->System -> "Advanced" tab->Performance section "Settings" button ->"Data Execution Prevention" tab->add the client program(vugen.exe) in "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select" or choose "Turn on DEP for essential windows programs and services only." and a reboot is required. 这跟数据执行保护没有关系吧???
回放的时候用的是LR自带的一个浏览器,就是ZEE版所说的run viewer 他有可能说的是 rusults里面的ie吧,记录你运行的结果 是用run viewer进行简单浏览的,不用启动IE。