The Performance Center of Excellence always starts with the right resources, not just a lot of headcount. A performance COE starts with engineers who are passionate about performance and have a solid reputation for using best of breed processes. A solid methodology is customized within the organization depending on their needs. There is an incubation period where this new department (or set of resources) must prove out their value. The team should focus on the projects that are in need of saving, or “key wins”. There are projects where performance testing methodology can truly shine. The “center” officially begins when that organization becomes recognized as a magnet for drawing other organizational units to it.After a few key wins, and the open marketing that follows, it won’t take long for other projects in jeopardy to beat down the doors of the COE, looking for help. 08年的贴了 楼主还在么 呵呵 楼上怎么把这么老的帖给翻出来了哦! 可惜 英语不好,不能帮忙 是啊,时间太久远了 哈哈,翻译的不好,欢迎大家指出:lol“性能卓越中心总是会用合适的资源来启动,而不是仅仅有大量的员工。一批酷爱性能和对使用最优生产程序有可靠声誉的工程师来建立起一个性能卓越中心。一个自制可靠的方法策略结合他们的需求所需要的团体。在孵化周期中,这个新部门(或者一整套资源)必须证明他们的价值。整个团队应该专注于急需挽救的项目,或者说“关键性胜利”。有些项目的性能测试的方法策略可以完全显露。当那个团体被认可像吸引其他组织的磁石的时候,这个“中心”正式地建立。度过一些关键性胜利之后,公开市场就跟上来了,对于那些处于危险情况中其他项目来说,寻找帮助不会占用很长时间来击败COE的大门。”