ahu201 发表于 2008-10-15 17:07:52

What's a professional test manager in your mind?


tzmok 发表于 2008-12-21 21:54:10

smart :victory: :victory:

SDET_Edison 发表于 2009-8-4 23:07:15

There are soo many things he shoul do

To be a good leader, I think there are so many things he should do and so much ability he should own.
1. May be he is not the best one in the team in technology, but it's more important to have a good ability to manage to team.
2. He should make every one in the team do his best and do a good team work.
3. Make every one in the team get a good development.
4. A team value is needed.
5 ....

maggietsai 发表于 2009-8-19 13:44:37

in my mind,
a good Testing Manager should qualify below items:
1.know who's suitable to test one item
2.know how many effort need to be spent on one testing item
3.grapse welly of the project growth
4.coornidate every team's(dev, release, UI, etc.) schedule better for QA shedule..
and so on..

may be a good QA also need to acheive this too.

箭在行动 发表于 2009-8-22 09:55:19

Maybe,a professional test manager is not good at testing, he or she must know how to manage the team.
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