sql查询性能低下With ZBS AS(
selectzb.ZUser_RefererUrl as RefererUrl,zb.ZUser_Id as ID, zb.ZUser_Key as UserKey,zb.ZUser_SousuoKeyword as SousuoKeyword,zb.ZUser_BMobile as BMobile,zb.ZUser_Mobile as Mobile, zb.ZUser_Email as Email,zb.ZUser_Int1 as QQ,zb.ZUser_Str1 as UserPUK,zb.ZUser_Nickname as Nickname,zb.ZUser_StayTotalSecs as StayTotalSecs,ZUser_AddTime as AddTime
from ZbsUserInfo as zb
whereZUser_AddTime between '2015/10/14 0:00:00'
and '2015/10/15 23:59:59'
and zb.ZUser_StayTotalSecs>=-1
and zb.Sp_Id in ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-1)
and zb.ZUser_Int1 >0
select * from
select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BYAddTime desc ) as ZS,Count(*) over() as Total,*
from ZBS
where ID in (select min(ID)
group by UserKeyhaving count(UserKey )>=1 )
as T where ZS between 1 and 30
ZbsUserInfo 这个表的数据量有几十万..然后放在数据库查询的时候需要几十秒.
建议你把建表语句也贴出来 加上索引 索引是最起码的 优化性能吧 加索引